La cultura como estrategia para impulsar el desarrollo local del municipio de San Antonio de Palmito, Sucre /

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This research is based on a qualitative analysis, from a sociocultural approach specifically of the cultural manifestations of the Zenú ethnic group from a territorial perspective and its relation with the environment from the local community development of the population. To fulfill the main purpose of this research, it was necessary to document the ethno-cultural context of the Zenú community of the municipality of San Antonio de Palmito, in order to analyze their opportunities and threats for the development of the communities, to analyze the manifestations of the heritage Including the artisan context, based on the artisan census carried out by Artesanías de Colombia, interviews with institutional and community actors, as well as a gastronomic and craft fair. The results obtained in the documentary, exploratory and community participation are key elements to design strategies aimed at placing in value cultural expressions , in the same concern, they contribute to the generation of income, the strengthening of cultural capacities and the development of ethno-tourism



