Umbilical cord and preeclampsia

dc.creatorOlaya-C M.
dc.creatorSalcedo-Betancourt J.
dc.creatorGalvis S.H.
dc.creatorOrtiz A.M.
dc.creatorGutierrezb S.
dc.creatorBernal J.E.
dc.description.abstractPreeclampsia is associated with abnormalities in the umbilical cord in several ways: morphological, biochemical and functional. Alteration in blood vessels of the placenta, decidua and circulatory system of the fetus might be related to factors that cause preeclampsia and may be associated with alterations of the umbilical cord. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between each type of umbilical cord abnormality and the different subtypes of hypertensive gestational disorders. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study on consecutive autopsies and its placentas, looking for abnormalities in the umbilical cord's features and their clinical associations. RESULTS: Umbilical cord abnormalities including length, diameter, insertion, entanglements, knots and coils were associated with maternal gestational hypertension. CONCLUSION:Inwomen with gestational hypertension, umbilical cord abnormalities are associated with fetal and neonatal consequences. © 2016 IOS Press and the authors.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine; Vol. 9, Núm. 1; pp. 49-57
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherIOS Press
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.subject.keywordsGestational hypertension
dc.subject.keywordsHELLP syndrome
dc.subject.keywordsChronic disease
dc.subject.keywordsChronic hypertension
dc.subject.keywordsDisease association
dc.subject.keywordsHypercoiling umbilical cord
dc.subject.keywordsHypocoiling umbilical cord
dc.subject.keywordsMajor clinical study
dc.subject.keywordsMarginal umbilical cord insertion
dc.subject.keywordsMaternal hypertension
dc.subject.keywordsParamarginal umbilical cord insertion
dc.subject.keywordsPriority journal
dc.subject.keywordsSingle umbilical artery
dc.subject.keywordsSuperimposed preeclampsia
dc.subject.keywordsUmbilical cord
dc.subject.keywordsUmbilical malformation
dc.subject.keywordsFetal Growth Retardation
dc.subject.keywordsFetomaternal transfusion
dc.subject.keywordsLesions and defects
dc.subject.keywordsProspective study
dc.subject.keywordsDilatation, Pathologic
dc.subject.keywordsFetal Growth Retardation
dc.subject.keywordsInfant, Newborn
dc.subject.keywordsMaternal-Fetal Exchange
dc.subject.keywordsProspective Studies
dc.subject.keywordsUmbilical Cord
dc.titleUmbilical cord and preeclampsia
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