Definición de Perfiles Geográficos de hurto de automóviles. Caso Aplicado en Cartagena de Indias
De la Hoz Domínguez, Enrique José
Fontalvo Herrera, Tomás José
Mendoza-Mendoza, Adel Alfonso
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Esta investigación desarrolla un análisis geoespacial del hurto de automóviles ocurridos en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias - Colombia. En el proceso de definición de perfiles de criminalidad se analizó el delito del hurto en las 5 modalidades consideradas de alto impacto en la generación de percepción de seguridad de los ciudadanos, estas son automotores, motocicletas, residencias, establecimientos comerciales y entidades financieras en el transcurso de los años 2015 y 2016. Los datos utilizados corresponden al informe de criminalidad anual de la Policía Nacional de Colombia. Como resultado se encontraron 7 perfiles geográficos de hurto de automóviles, generando patrones de delitos caracterizados visualizados geográficamente.
In the present research a geospatial analysis of the crimes occurred in the city of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia is developed. In the process of definitions of crime profiles, the crime of theft is analyzed in the 5 Modalities considered to have a high impact on the generation of security perception of Citizens, which are motor vehicles, motorcycles, residences, commercial establishments and financial entities during the course of the years 2015 and 2016. The data used corresponds to the annual crime report of the National Police of Colombia. As a result, 7 geographical profiles of car theft were found, generating a patron of characterized crimes displayed geographically.
In the present research a geospatial analysis of the crimes occurred in the city of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia is developed. In the process of definitions of crime profiles, the crime of theft is analyzed in the 5 Modalities considered to have a high impact on the generation of security perception of Citizens, which are motor vehicles, motorcycles, residences, commercial establishments and financial entities during the course of the years 2015 and 2016. The data used corresponds to the annual crime report of the National Police of Colombia. As a result, 7 geographical profiles of car theft were found, generating a patron of characterized crimes displayed geographically.
De la hoz-Dominguez, Enrique Jose, Fontalvo-Herrera, Tomás José, & Mendoza-Mendoza, Adel Alfonso. (2020). Definición de Perfiles Geográficos de hurto de automóviles. Caso Aplicado en Cartagena de Indias.. Justicia, 25(37), 99-108.