Factores sociodemográficos e institucionales asociados al rendimiento académico en la región caribe colombiana: un modelo multinivel
Urueta Fernandez, Angel de Jesus
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Este trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de identificar y analizar los factores sociodemográficos e institucionales que influyen en el rendimiento académico en las competencias de matemáticas, lectura critica y ciencias naturales de los estudiantes de la región Caribe Colombiana en las pruebas ICFES SABER 11 calendario A entre los años 2016 al 2019, para ello primero se realizó un revisión bibliográfica para realizar la elección de factores, luego por medio de un modelo lineal multinivel se medirá el impacto de los diferentes factores asociados al rendimiento académico. Los resultados indican la existencia de brechas en el rendimiento académico dadas por el género, la naturaleza da la institución, la ubicación de la escuela, además del impacto negativo que poseen la jornada de la noche y sabatina, junto con el impacto positivo del nivel educativo de la madre en las competencias de matemáticas, lectura critica y ciencias naturales de los estudiantes de la regi´on Caribe Colombiana.
This work was carried out with the objective of identifying and analyzing the sociodemographic factors that influence the academic performance in the mathematics, critical reading and natural sciences competencies of the students of the Colombian Caribbean region in the ICFES SABER 11 calendar A tests between the years From 2016 to 2019, for this, a bibliographic review was first carried out to make the choice of factors, then by means of a multilevel linear model the impact of the different factors associated with academic performance will be measured. The results indicate the existence of gaps in academic performance given by gender, the nature of the institution, the location of the school, in addition to the negative impact of the evening and Saturday shift, along with the positive impact of the educational level. of the mother in the mathematics, critical reading and natural sciences competences of the students of the Colombian Caribbean region.
This work was carried out with the objective of identifying and analyzing the sociodemographic factors that influence the academic performance in the mathematics, critical reading and natural sciences competencies of the students of the Colombian Caribbean region in the ICFES SABER 11 calendar A tests between the years From 2016 to 2019, for this, a bibliographic review was first carried out to make the choice of factors, then by means of a multilevel linear model the impact of the different factors associated with academic performance will be measured. The results indicate the existence of gaps in academic performance given by gender, the nature of the institution, the location of the school, in addition to the negative impact of the evening and Saturday shift, along with the positive impact of the educational level. of the mother in the mathematics, critical reading and natural sciences competences of the students of the Colombian Caribbean region.
Urueta Fernandez, A. (2021). Factores sociodemográficos e institucionales asociados al rendimiento académico en la región caribe colombiana: un modelo multinivel. (Tesis de maestría). Universidad Tecnológica de Bolivar.