Identificación temprana de enfermedades laborales usando Machine Learning: el caso de una empresa avícola en Cartagena, Colombia
Villadiego Solano, Nelson Manuel
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El Presente trabajo de investigación busca encontrar un modelo de machine learning que permita analizar e identificar de manera temprana las enfermedades laborales en los trabajadores de una empresa avícola en la ciudad de Cartagena – Colombia. Para esta investigación se creó una base de datos con información suministrada por la empresa, donde se relacionan los conceptos salariales, la jornada complementaria, el área donde se desempeña, el tiempo de servicio en la empresa y la edad de cada trabajador vinculado directamente a esta. La variable respuesta identifica a los trabajadores que han sido diagnosticados con enfermedad laboral, representada como un elemento binario. Para crear el modelo se utilizaron las técnicas de Regresión logística, Random forest, Redes neuronales, SVM, Árbol de decisión y XGBoost. Se utilizó un entrenamiento basado en validación cruzada y se evidenció que los modelos con mejor desempeño fueron XG Boost y Árbol de decisión, decantándonos por el primero que mostró los siguientes ajustes AUC = 78.05% y Sensitivity = 91.66%, se concluye que la aplicación de Machine Learning hace posible identificar de forma temprana las enfermedades laborales en la empresa avícola
The present research work estimates several Machine Learning models to produce an early identification of occupational diseases in workers of a poultry company in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. For this research a database was created with information provided by the company on different variables, such as salaries, the complementary day, the area where they work, the time of service and the age and sex of each worker. The response variable is categorical and identifies workers who have been diagnosed with occupational diseases. The models considered are logistic regression, random forest, neural networks, SVM, decision trees and XGBoost. The training was based on cross validation. It is evidenced that the models with the best performance were XGBoost and decision trees, opting for the first one that showed the following adjustments: AUC = 78.05% and sensitivity = 91.66%. It is concluded that the application of Machine Learning techniques contributes to the early identification of occupational diseases.
The present research work estimates several Machine Learning models to produce an early identification of occupational diseases in workers of a poultry company in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. For this research a database was created with information provided by the company on different variables, such as salaries, the complementary day, the area where they work, the time of service and the age and sex of each worker. The response variable is categorical and identifies workers who have been diagnosed with occupational diseases. The models considered are logistic regression, random forest, neural networks, SVM, decision trees and XGBoost. The training was based on cross validation. It is evidenced that the models with the best performance were XGBoost and decision trees, opting for the first one that showed the following adjustments: AUC = 78.05% and sensitivity = 91.66%. It is concluded that the application of Machine Learning techniques contributes to the early identification of occupational diseases.
Villadiego Solano, N . (2021). Identificación temprana de enfermedades laborales usando Machine Learning: el caso de una empresa avícola en Cartagena, Colombia (tesis de maestría). Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.