Robust adaptive control of a planar 3RRR parallel robot for trajectory-tracking applied to crouch gait cycle in children with cerebral palsy

dc.contributor.editorGarcia-Tirado J.
dc.contributor.editorMunoz-Durango D.
dc.contributor.editorAlvarez H.
dc.contributor.editorBotero-Castro H.
dc.creatorRodelo M.
dc.creatorPolo S.
dc.creatorDuque Pardo, Jorge Eliécer
dc.creatorVilla Ramírez, José Luis
dc.creatorYime E.
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents the modelling, control and simulation of a 3RRR planar parallel robot, using a robust adaptive control strategy. The objective of this work is to achieve the control over desired trajectory-tracking of the joint pattern with the end-effector of robot, considering the disturbances during the crouch gait activity in children with cerebral palsy. The kinematic analysis is based on the screw theory. A dynamical modelling by Virtual Work formulation approach is developed. The performance of the robust adaptive control law is developed using Lyapunov's Direct Method and Barbalat's lemma. Furthermore, the controller is evaluated in Matlab/Simulink simulation environment with the physic model simulated through Simscape Multibody. The angular position errors, velocity errors and output torques for each motor are calculated. Simulation results show that the proposed controller has good efficiency with stable response of the robot in performing trajectory-tracking. © 2019 IEEE.eng
dc.description.notesThis project was partially founded by Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar under project "Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a 3RRR Parallel Planar Robot in underwater conditions for pediatric rehabilitation of Gait".
dc.description.sponsorshipColombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC);IEEE;IEEE Colombia;IEEE Colombian Chapter (CSS)
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citation4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control: Automatic Control as Key Support of Industrial Productivity, CCAC 2019 - Proceedings
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
dc.relation.conferencedate15 October 2019 through 18 October 2019
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.source.event4th IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control, CCAC 2019
dc.subject.keywordsParallel Robots
dc.subject.keywordsRobot Trajectory - Tracking
dc.subject.keywordsRobust Adaptive Control
dc.subject.keywordsAdaptive control systems
dc.subject.keywordsEnd effectors
dc.subject.keywordsProcess control
dc.subject.keywordsChildren with cerebral palsies
dc.subject.keywordsDesired trajectories
dc.subject.keywordsLyapunov's direct method
dc.subject.keywordsMatlab/Simulink simulation
dc.subject.keywordsParallel robots
dc.subject.keywordsPlanar parallel robots
dc.subject.keywordsRobot trajectory
dc.subject.keywordsRobust-adaptive control
dc.subject.keywordsControl theory
dc.titleRobust adaptive control of a planar 3RRR parallel robot for trajectory-tracking applied to crouch gait cycle in children with cerebral palsy
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