Supplier selection service-case study UTB

dc.creatorMendoza G.V.
dc.creatorCruz Y.P.
dc.description.abstractSupplier selection supported by methods based on computational tools are fundamental enterprise actions. This paper proposes the development of supplier selection model supported on a computational tool, using the purchasing department of Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar as a case study. The review of different decision making techniques, yielded AHP as the most appropiate technique because of its multi-variable and multi-criteria capabilities. The design of the tool is based on Service Oriented Computing, as it allows easier integration, a better and faster response to process change and the environment changing needs. In this work, the design of the selection model, the identification and implementation of the services for selection and evaluation of suppliers were carried out. © 2012 IEEE.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citation2012 7th Colombian Computing Congress, CCC 2012 - Conference Proceedings
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.relation.conferencedate1 October 2012 through 5 October 2012
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.source.event2012 7th Colombian Computing Congress, CCC 2012
dc.subject.keywordsDecision Making Methods
dc.subject.keywordsHerarchical Procces
dc.subject.keywordsService oriented computing
dc.subject.keywordsSoftware engineering
dc.subject.keywordsSupplier Selection
dc.subject.keywordsDecision-making method
dc.subject.keywordsHerarchical Procces
dc.subject.keywordsService oriented computing
dc.subject.keywordsSupplier selection
dc.subject.keywordsComputational methods
dc.subject.keywordsDecision making
dc.subject.keywordsSoftware engineering
dc.titleSupplier selection service-case study UTB
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