Object-oriented mathematical modeling for estimating electric vehicle’s range using modelica

dc.contributor.editorSerrano C. J.E.
dc.contributor.editorMartínez-Santos, Juan Carlos
dc.creatorDomínguez Jiménez, Juan Antonio
dc.creatorCampillo Jiménez, Javier Eduardo
dc.description.abstractElectric vehicles (EVs) offer a great alternative for decarbonizing the transport sector. However, insufficient recharging infrastructure and limited range increase the driver’s ‘range anxiety’. Furthermore, the autonomy information provided by vehicle manufacturers differs from the range obtained under real-driving conditions. In order to estimate the actual range of an EV under different driving profiles, accurate computational modeling is required. This paper presents a library for modeling and simulating EVs using the object-oriented modeling language Modelica that allows calculating the energy consumption and the impact of different driving behaviors on the vehicle’s driving range. Each vehicle’s model only requires generic parameters that can be obtained from the vehicle’s manufacturer’s specification sheet. The parameters of the example models have been calibrated using vehicle parameters found in the literature for several commercial vehicles. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationCommunications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 885, pp. 444-458
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.relation.conferencedate26 September 2018 through 28 September 2018
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.source.event13th Colombian Conference on Computing, CCC 2018
dc.subject.keywordsElectric vehicles
dc.subject.keywordsAutomobile manufacture
dc.subject.keywordsCommercial vehicles
dc.subject.keywordsElectric vehicles
dc.subject.keywordsEnergy utilization
dc.subject.keywordsComputational model
dc.subject.keywordsElectric Vehicles (EVs)
dc.subject.keywordsModeling and simulating
dc.subject.keywordsObject-oriented modeling languages
dc.subject.keywordsSpecification sheets
dc.subject.keywordsVehicle manufacturers
dc.subject.keywordsModeling languages
dc.titleObject-oriented mathematical modeling for estimating electric vehicle’s range using modelica
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