Three-dimensional multimodal medical imaging system based on freehand ultrasound and structured light

dc.contributor.authorMeza, Jhacson
dc.contributor.authorContreras Ortiz, Sonia Helena
dc.contributor.authorRomero, Lenny A
dc.contributor.authorMarrugo Hernández, Andrés Guillermo
dc.description.abstractWe propose a three-dimensional (3D) multimodal medical imaging system that combines freehand ultrasound and structured light 3D reconstruction in a single coordinate system without requiring registration. To the best of our knowledge, these techniques have not been combined as a multimodal imaging technique. The system complements the internal 3D information acquired with ultrasound with the external surface measured with the structured light technique. Moreover, the ultrasound probe’s optical tracking for pose estimation was implemented based on a convolutional neural network. Experimental results show the system’s high accuracy and reproducibility, as well as its potential for preoperative and intraoperative applications. The experimental multimodal error, or the distance from two surfaces obtained with different modalities, was 0.12 mmspa
dc.format.size14 páginas
dc.identifier.citationJhacson Meza, Sonia H. Contreras-Ortiz, Lenny A. Romero Perez, and Andrés G. Marrugo "Three-dimensional multimodal medical imaging system based on freehand ultrasound and structured light," Optical Engineering 60(5), 054106 (21 May 2021). ttps://
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.publisher.placeCartagena de Indiasspa
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.sourceOptical Engineering 60(5), 054106 (21 May 2021).spa
dc.subject.keywordsMultimodal medical imagingspa
dc.titleThree-dimensional multimodal medical imaging system based on freehand ultrasound and structured lightspa
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