Adaptación de la escala de machismo sexual/sexismo (EMS-Sexismo-12) en una ciudad del Caribe colombiano
Pastrana Quintana, Camilo Andrés
Fortich Pérez, David Javier
Neira Salas, Jeison David
Ortega Mastrodomenico, Eliana Carolina
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El objetivo del estudio fue adaptar y validar la escala de machismo sexual/sexismo (EMS-Sexismo-12) para población adulta de una ciudad del caribe colombiano. Participaron 678 individuos con edades entre los 18 a 79 años (M = 26.32; DE = 10.76; 50% mujeres) de la ciudad de Cartagena de indias, seleccionados con un muestreo no probabilístico. La escala presentó una buena adaptación al contexto, se utilizaron seis jueces en el Índice de coherencia entre jueces CVC de Hernández-Nieto (2002) de .936. El análisis factorial confirmatorio con el estimador máxima verosimilitud robusto mostró una estructura unifactorial con 10 ítems que presentaron adecuados índices de ajuste (CFI = .94, PNFI = .72, RMSEA = .04, [.041 - .057]). Coeficientes de fiabilidad superiores a .9 (Omega de McDonald y Alfa Ordinal). Siendo así, se presentan evidencias de validez contenido y constructo. Se concluye que las medidas obtenidas de la escala resultan válidas para la población bajo estudio.
The aim of the study was to adapt and validate the sexual machismo/sexism scale (EMS-Sexismo-12) for the adult population of a Colombian Caribbean city. A total of 678 individuals aged 18 to 79 years (M = 26.32; SD =10.76) (50% women) from the city of Cartagena de Indias, selected by non-probabilistic sampling. The scale presented a good adaptation to the context, six judges were used in Hernandez-Nieto (2002) CVC inter-judge coherence index = .936. The confirmatory factor analysis with the robust maximum likelihood estimator showed a unifactorial structure with 10 items that presented adequate fit indices (CFI = .94, PNFI = .72, RMSEA = .04, [.041 - .057]). Reliability with an Omega of .92 and Ordinal Alpha of .94. Reliability coefficients above .9 (McDonald's Omega and Ordinal Alpha). Thus, there is evidence of content and construct validity. It is concluded that the measures obtained from the scale are valid for the population under study.
The aim of the study was to adapt and validate the sexual machismo/sexism scale (EMS-Sexismo-12) for the adult population of a Colombian Caribbean city. A total of 678 individuals aged 18 to 79 years (M = 26.32; SD =10.76) (50% women) from the city of Cartagena de Indias, selected by non-probabilistic sampling. The scale presented a good adaptation to the context, six judges were used in Hernandez-Nieto (2002) CVC inter-judge coherence index = .936. The confirmatory factor analysis with the robust maximum likelihood estimator showed a unifactorial structure with 10 items that presented adequate fit indices (CFI = .94, PNFI = .72, RMSEA = .04, [.041 - .057]). Reliability with an Omega of .92 and Ordinal Alpha of .94. Reliability coefficients above .9 (McDonald's Omega and Ordinal Alpha). Thus, there is evidence of content and construct validity. It is concluded that the measures obtained from the scale are valid for the population under study.
Pastrana, C., Fortich, D., Neira, J. y Ortega, E. (2024). Adaptación de la escala de Machismo Sexual/Sexismo (EMS-Sexismo-12) en una ciudad del Caribe colombiano. (2024). Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, 16(4), 107-120.