Self-Unit Commitment of Combined-Cycle Units with Real Operational Constraints
Gonzalez-Sierra, Mauro
Wogrin, Sonja
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Este artículo destaca la importancia de modelar con precisión las limitaciones operativas de las plantas de gas de ciclo combinado (CCGT por sus siglas en ingles) dentro de un marco de despacho económico. En la práctica, en Colombia, cuando reciben un despacho inicial por parte del Operador Independiente del Sistema (ISO por sus siglas en ingles), las plantas CCGT son operadas de acuerdo con los resultados de códigos de simulación heurística. Estas heurísticas a menudo omiten restricciones operativas técnicas, incluidas rampas de arranque en caliente, tibia o fría; las horas mínimas de operación requeridas para que una turbina de gas ponga en marcha una turbina de vapor; la relación entre el número despachado de turbinas de vapor y de gas; la distribución de carga entre turbinas de gas; y quemadores adicionales. La mayoría de los modelos de despacho económico en la literatura representan restricciones técnicas estándar como arranque, apagado, rampas de subida/bajada y, en algunos casos, incendios suplementarios. Sin embargo, normalmente pasan por alto otras limitaciones operativas de CCGT de la vida real, que se consideraron en este trabajo. Estas limitaciones son cruciales en los sistemas eléctricos interconectados para evitar daños a los equipos, lo que potencialmente puede dejar fuera de servicio las plantas CCGT y, en última instancia, conducir a menores costos operativos.
This paper highlights the importance of accurately modeling the operational constraints of Combined-Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGTs) within a unit-commitment framework. In practice, in Colombia, when given an initial dispatch by the Independent System Operator, CCGT plants are operated according to the results of heuristic simulation codes. Such heuristics often omit technical operating constraints, including hot, warm, or cold startup ramps; the minimum operation hours required for a gas turbine to start a steam turbine; the relationship between the dispatched number of steam and gas turbines; the load distribution among gas turbines; and supplementary fires. Most unit-commitment models in the literature represent standard technical constraints like startup, shutdown, up/down ramps, and in some cases, supplementary fires. However, they typically overlook other real-life CCGT operating constraints, which were considered in this work. These constraints are crucial in integrated energy systems to avoid equipment damage, which can potentially put CCGT plants out of service and ultimately lead to lower operating costs.
This paper highlights the importance of accurately modeling the operational constraints of Combined-Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGTs) within a unit-commitment framework. In practice, in Colombia, when given an initial dispatch by the Independent System Operator, CCGT plants are operated according to the results of heuristic simulation codes. Such heuristics often omit technical operating constraints, including hot, warm, or cold startup ramps; the minimum operation hours required for a gas turbine to start a steam turbine; the relationship between the dispatched number of steam and gas turbines; the load distribution among gas turbines; and supplementary fires. Most unit-commitment models in the literature represent standard technical constraints like startup, shutdown, up/down ramps, and in some cases, supplementary fires. However, they typically overlook other real-life CCGT operating constraints, which were considered in this work. These constraints are crucial in integrated energy systems to avoid equipment damage, which can potentially put CCGT plants out of service and ultimately lead to lower operating costs.
González-Sierra, M.; Wogrin, S. Self-Unit Commitment of Combined-Cycle Units with Real Operational Constraints. Energies 2024, 17, 51.