Análisis de la participación ciudadana en Colombia desde datos de la encuesta de cultura política ECP-DANE 2019
Zambrano Gandia, Deimer José
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En esta investigación se analiza la participación ciudadana en Colombia desde datos de la Encuesta de Cultura Política (ECP-2019) publicada por el Departamento Administrativo Nacional (DANE) en el año 2020. Mediante análisis descriptivos y las técnicas de análisis multivariante, árboles de decisión y Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples, se identifica bajo conocimiento y participación de los y las colombianas en mecanismos de participación tales como, la revocatoria de mandato, la iniciativa popular legislativa, el referendo, el plebiscito, la consulta popular y el cabildo abierto. Desde los resultados de este estudio, se observa que dos de los factores que condicionan la participación ciudadana en éstos y otros mecanismos de participación organizada, como las Juntas de Acción Comunal, se asocian a las percepciones de corrupción y el aumento de inseguridad en el país, los cuales generan problemas entre las comunidades. En términos de acciones de política pública, se concluye que es necesario seguir fortaleciendo los programas de participación ciudadana en el país, no solo para fomentar la garantía de derechos de participación, sino también a nivel de alfabetización y formación, para que más colombianos y colombianas busquen pertenecer a las organizaciones comunitarias organizadas y busquen el desarrollo sostenible de sus territorios.
This research analyzes citizen participation in Colombia from data from the Political Culture Survey (ECP-2019) published by the National Administrative Department (DANE) in 2020. Through descriptive analysis and multivariate analysis techniques, decision trees and Multiple Correspondence Analysis, is identified under the knowledge and participation of Colombians in mechanisms such as the revocation of mandate, the popular legislative initiative, the referendum, the plebiscite, the popular consultation and the open council. From the results of this study, it is observed that two of the factors that condition citizen participation in these and other organized participation mechanisms, such as Community Action Boards, are associated with perceptions of corruption and increased insecurity in the country , which generate problems between communities. In terms of public policy actions, it is concluded that it is necessary to continue strengthening citizen participation programs in the country, not only to promote the guarantee of participation rights, but also at the level of literacy and training, so that more Colombians seek to belong to organized community organizations and seek the sustainable development of their territories
This research analyzes citizen participation in Colombia from data from the Political Culture Survey (ECP-2019) published by the National Administrative Department (DANE) in 2020. Through descriptive analysis and multivariate analysis techniques, decision trees and Multiple Correspondence Analysis, is identified under the knowledge and participation of Colombians in mechanisms such as the revocation of mandate, the popular legislative initiative, the referendum, the plebiscite, the popular consultation and the open council. From the results of this study, it is observed that two of the factors that condition citizen participation in these and other organized participation mechanisms, such as Community Action Boards, are associated with perceptions of corruption and increased insecurity in the country , which generate problems between communities. In terms of public policy actions, it is concluded that it is necessary to continue strengthening citizen participation programs in the country, not only to promote the guarantee of participation rights, but also at the level of literacy and training, so that more Colombians seek to belong to organized community organizations and seek the sustainable development of their territories
Zambrano Gandia, D. (2021). Análisis de la participación ciudadana en Colombia desde datos de la encuesta de cultura política ECP-DANE 2019 (tesis de maestría). Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.