Perspectivas de la paz a nivel global: Un análisis multivariante desde indicadores ODS
Marbello Yepes, Kelly Johanna
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar la paz como dimensión del desarrollo sostenible de las naciones del mundo buscando estudiar mediante las técnicas multivariantes: Análisis de Componentes Principales, Gráficos Biplot y Análisis de Clúster, las asociaciones existentes entre 8 indicadores pertenecientes a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 16, según datos reportados por 145 países del mundo con corte al año 2021. Se buscó describir las diferencias y similitudes observadas entre países, según si estos pertenecen al Norte y Sur global y desde 4 regiones o continentes: África (45 países), América (25 naciones), Asia-Oceanía (37países) y Europa (38 países). También se analizó las estructuras de covariación existente entre los indicadores, para observar la pertinencia de conformar grupos o clúster de naciones. Desde los resultados obtenidos se concluyó heterogeneidad entre naciones y regiones frente a la búsqueda de la paz, siendo el índice de percepción de la corrupción, una de las características que genera mayor diferenciación entre países. También se obtuvo seis grupos o clúster de naciones que permitieron resumir los retos que se visualizan actualmente a nivel global, para fomentar la paz, la justicia y la constitución de instituciones gubernamentales sólidas.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the peace as a dimension of the sustainable development of the nations of the world seeking to study through multivariate techniques: Main Component Analysis, Biplot Graphs and Cluster Analysis, the existing partnerships between 8 indicators belonging to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 16, according to data reported by 145 countries of the world with a cut-up to the year 2021. We sought to describe the differences and similarities observed between countries, depending on whether they belong to the global North and South and from 4 regions or continents: Africa (45 countries), America (25 nations), Asia-Oceania (37 countries) and Europe (38 countries). The covariation structures between the indicators were also analyzed, to observe the relevance of forming groups or clusters of nations. From the results obtained, heterogeneity between nations and regions in the face of the search for peace was concluded, with the perception index of corruption being one of the characteristics that generates greater differentiation between countries. Six groups or clusters of nations were also obtained that made it possible to summarize the challenges that are currently being envisioned at the global level, to promote peace, justice and the constitution of strong government institutions.
The main objective of this research is to analyze the peace as a dimension of the sustainable development of the nations of the world seeking to study through multivariate techniques: Main Component Analysis, Biplot Graphs and Cluster Analysis, the existing partnerships between 8 indicators belonging to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 16, according to data reported by 145 countries of the world with a cut-up to the year 2021. We sought to describe the differences and similarities observed between countries, depending on whether they belong to the global North and South and from 4 regions or continents: Africa (45 countries), America (25 nations), Asia-Oceania (37 countries) and Europe (38 countries). The covariation structures between the indicators were also analyzed, to observe the relevance of forming groups or clusters of nations. From the results obtained, heterogeneity between nations and regions in the face of the search for peace was concluded, with the perception index of corruption being one of the characteristics that generates greater differentiation between countries. Six groups or clusters of nations were also obtained that made it possible to summarize the challenges that are currently being envisioned at the global level, to promote peace, justice and the constitution of strong government institutions.
Marbello, K. (2022). Perspectivas de la paz a nivel global: Un análisis multivariante desde indicadores ODS. Tesis de maestría. Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar