Expanding Influences Research to Insecure Democracies: How violence, public insecurity, economic inequality and uneven democratic performance shape journalists’ perceived work environments

dc.creatorHughes S.
dc.creatorMellado C.
dc.creatorArroyave J.
dc.creatorBenitez J.L.
dc.creatorde Beer A.
dc.creatorGarcés M.
dc.creatorLang K.
dc.creatorMárquez-Ramírez M.
dc.description.abstractDemocracies with sharp violence and public insecurity have proliferated in recent decades, with many also featuring extreme economic inequality. These conditions have not been explicitly considered in comparative research on journalists’ work environments, an omission that may obscure important realities of contemporary journalism. We address this gap through analysis of journalist surveys in 62 countries. We confirm the existence of insecure democracies as an empirical phenomenon and begin to unravel their meaning for journalists. We find democracies with uneven democratic performance tend to have more journalist assassinations, which is the most extreme form of influence on work, and that levels of democratic performance, violence, public insecurity and economic inequality significantly shape how journalists perceive various influences in their work environment. Case studies of insecure democracies in Africa and Latin America address why these conditions sometimes (but not always) lead to journalist assassinations and other anti-press violence. They suggest anti-press violence is higher when sub-national state actors intensify criminal violence and when insecurity is geographically and topically proximate to journalists. How journalists’ perceive influences on work are therefore more complex and multidimensional than previous research has suggested. The study concludes by identifying areas for improvement in data collection. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationJournalism Studies; Vol. 18, Núm. 5; pp. 645-665
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.subject.keywordsInfluences on work
dc.subject.keywordsInsecure democracy
dc.subject.keywordsJournalist surveys
dc.subject.keywordsLatin America
dc.titleExpanding Influences Research to Insecure Democracies: How violence, public insecurity, economic inequality and uneven democratic performance shape journalists’ perceived work environments
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