Mitochondrial DNA analysis suggests a chibchan migration into Colombia

dc.creatorNoguera-Santamaría, M.C.
dc.creatorAnderson, C.E.
dc.creatorUricoechea, D.
dc.creatorDurán, C.
dc.creatorBriceño-Balcázar, I.
dc.creatorVillegas, J.B.
dc.description.abstractThe characterization of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) allows the establishment of genetic structures and phylogenetic relationships in human populations, tracing lineages far back in time. We analysed samples of mtDNA from twenty (20) Native American populations (700 individuals) dispersed throughout Colombian territory. Samples were collected during 1989-1993 in the context of the program Expedición Humana ("Human Expedition") and stored in the Biological Repository of the Institute of Human Genetics (IGH) at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). Haplogroups were determined by analysis of RFLPs. Most frequent was haplogroup A, with 338 individuals (48.3%). Haplogroup A is also one of the most frequent haplogroups in Mesoamerica, and we interpret our finding as supporting models that propose Chibchan-speaking groups migrated to northern Colombia from Mesoamerica in prehistoric times. Haplogroup C was found in 199 individuals (28.4%), while less frequent were B and D, with 113 and 41 (16% and 6%) individuals, respectively. The haplogroups of nine (9) individuals (1.3%) could not be determined due to the low quality of the samples of DNA. Although all the sampled populations had genetic structures that fit broadly into the patterns that might be expected for contemporary Central and South American indigenous groups, it was found that haplogroups A and B were more frequent in northern Colombia, while haplogroups C and D were more frequent in southern and south-western Colombia.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationUniversitas Scientiarum; Vol. 20, Núm. 2; pp. 261-278
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Javeriana
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.sourceScopus 57190509368
dc.sourceScopus 56263257200
dc.sourceScopus 56331406300
dc.sourceScopus 56794949600
dc.sourceScopus 57189604995
dc.sourceScopus 57190515916
dc.subject.keywordsHuman migrations
dc.subject.keywordsNative americans
dc.subject.keywordsRFLP method-Restriction fragment length polymorphism
dc.subject.keywordsSouth America
dc.titleMitochondrial DNA analysis suggests a chibchan migration into Colombia
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