Passivity-based PI control of a SMES system to support power in electrical grids: A bilinear approach

dc.creatorGil-González W.
dc.creatorMontoya O.D.
dc.description.abstractA bilinear proportional-integral (PI) controller based on passivity-based formulations for integrating superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) devices to power ac microgrids is proposed in this paper. A cascade connection between a dc–dc chopper and a voltage source converter is made to integrate the SMES system. The proposed controller guarantees asymptotically stability in the Lyapunov's sense under closed-loop operation. This controller exploits the well-known advantages of the proportional-integral (PI) actions via passivation theory. Active and reactive power compensation in the ac system through the SMES integration is proposed as the control objective. To achieve this goal, a radial ac distribution feeder with high penetration of distributed energy resources and time-varying loads is employed. The effectiveness and the robustness of the proposed bilinear PI controller verified by comparing its dynamical performance to conventional approaches such as conventional PI and feedback controllers. All simulation results are conducted via MATLAB/SIMULINK software by using SimPowerSystem library. © 2018 Elsevier Ltdeng
dc.description.notesThis work was partially supported by the National Scholarship Program Doctorates of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia (COLCIENCIAS) , by calling contest 727-2015 and PhD program in Engineering of the Technological University of Pereira.
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, COLCIENCIAS: 727-2015 Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Energy Storage; Vol. 18, pp. 459-466
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherElsevier Ltd
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.subject.keywordsActive and reactive power compensation
dc.subject.keywordsBilinear proportional-integral control
dc.subject.keywordsDc–dc chopper
dc.subject.keywordsPower ac microgrids
dc.subject.keywordsSuperconducting magnetic energy storage
dc.subject.keywordsVoltage source converter
dc.subject.keywordsChoppers (circuits)
dc.subject.keywordsElectric energy storage
dc.subject.keywordsElectric power utilization
dc.subject.keywordsEnergy resources
dc.subject.keywordsMagnetic storage
dc.subject.keywordsReactive power
dc.subject.keywordsRobustness (control systems)
dc.subject.keywordsSuperconducting magnets
dc.subject.keywordsTwo term control systems
dc.subject.keywordsActive and Reactive Power
dc.subject.keywordsDC choppers
dc.subject.keywordsMicro grid
dc.subject.keywordsProportional-integral control
dc.subject.keywordsSuperconducting magnetic energy storages
dc.subject.keywordsVoltage source converters
dc.subject.keywordsElectric power system control
dc.titlePassivity-based PI control of a SMES system to support power in electrical grids: A bilinear approach
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