Electromagnetic sources distributed on shells in a Schwarzschild background

dc.creatorGürlebeck N.
dc.creatorBičák J.
dc.creatorGutiérrez-Piñeres A.C.
dc.description.abstractIn the Introduction we briefly recall our previous results on stationary electromagnetic fields on black hole backgrounds and the use of spin-weighted spherical harmonics. We then discuss static electric and magnetic test fields in a Schwarzschild background using some of these results. As sources we do not consider point charges or current loops like in previous works, rather, we analyze spherical shells with smooth electric or magnetic charge distributions as well as electric or magnetic dipole distributions depending on both angular coordinates. Particular attention is paid to the discontinuities of the field, of the 4-potential, and their relation to the source. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.eng
dc.description.notesAcknowledgments We thank Tomáš Ledvinka for discussions. JB acknowledges the partial support from Grant no. GACˇ R 202/09/00772 of the Czech Republic, of Grants no. LC06014 and no. MSM0021620860 of the Ministry of Education. NG was financially supported by the PhD-student Grant no. GAUK. 22708 and no. GACˇ R 205/09/H033. JB and NG are also grateful to the Albert Einstein Institute in Golm for the kind hospitality. A. C. G-P. acknowledges the hospitality of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University (Prague) and the financial support from COLCIENCIAS, Colombia.
dc.description.sponsorshipYukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, COLCIENCIAS Univerzita Karlova v Praze
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationGeneral Relativity and Gravitation; Vol. 43, Núm. 12; pp. 3301-3312
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.subject.keywordsElectrostatics in curved backgrounds
dc.subject.keywordsMonopole and dipole layers
dc.titleElectromagnetic sources distributed on shells in a Schwarzschild background
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