Hybrid Metaheuristic Optimization Methods for Optimal Location and Sizing DGs in DC Networks

dc.contributor.editorFigueroa-Garcia J.C.
dc.contributor.editorDuarte-Gonzalez M.
dc.contributor.editorJaramillo-Isaza S.
dc.contributor.editorOrjuela-Canon A.D.
dc.contributor.editorDiaz-Gutierrez Y.
dc.creatorGrisales-Noreña L.F.
dc.creatorGarzón Rivera O.D.
dc.creatorMontoya, Oscar Danilo
dc.creatorRamos-Paja C.A.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper is proposed a master-slave method for optimal location and sizing of distributed generators (DGs) in direct-current (DC) networks. In the master stage is used the genetic algorithm of Chu & Beasley (GA) for the location of DGs. In the slave stage three different continuous techniques are used: the Continuous genetic algorithm (CGA), the Black Hole optimization method (BH) and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, in order to solve the problem of sizing. All of those techniques are combined to find the hybrid method that provides the best results in terms of power losses reduction and processing times. The reduction of the total power losses on the electrical network associated to the transport of energy is used as objective function, by also including a penalty to limit the power injected by the DGs on the grid, and considering all constraints associated to the DC grids. To verify the performance of the different hybrid methods studied, two test systems with 10 and 21 buses are implemented in MATLAB by considering the installation of three distributed generators. To solve the power flow equations, the slave stage uses successive approximations. The results obtained shown that the proposed methodology GA-BH provides the best trade-off between speed and power losses independent of the total power provided by the DGs and the network size. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationCommunications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 1052, pp. 214-225
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.relation.conferencedate16 October 2019 through 18 October 2019
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.source.event6th Workshop on Engineering Applications, WEA 2019
dc.subject.keywordsDirect-current networks
dc.subject.keywordsDistributed generation
dc.subject.keywordsGenetic algorithm
dc.subject.keywordsMetaheuristic optimization
dc.subject.keywordsOptimal power flow
dc.subject.keywordsParticle swarm optimization
dc.subject.keywordsDC power transmission
dc.subject.keywordsDistributed power generation
dc.subject.keywordsEconomic and social effects
dc.subject.keywordsElectric load flow
dc.subject.keywordsGenetic algorithms
dc.subject.keywordsContinuous genetic algorithms
dc.subject.keywordsDirect current
dc.subject.keywordsDistributed generator (DGs)
dc.subject.keywordsDistributed generators
dc.subject.keywordsMeta-heuristic optimizations
dc.subject.keywordsOptimal power flows
dc.subject.keywordsParticle swarm optimization algorithm
dc.subject.keywordsSuccessive approximations
dc.subject.keywordsParticle swarm optimization (PSO)
dc.titleHybrid Metaheuristic Optimization Methods for Optimal Location and Sizing DGs in DC Networks
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