Análisis multidimensional de las percepciones de seguridad y convivencia ciudadana en Colombia
Hernández Arenas, Marysol
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En este trabajo se analizan los microdatos de la última Encuesta de Convivencia y Seguridad Ciudadana de Colombia (ECSC), realizada por el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) en el año 2019, y puesta a disposición para interpretación en la comunidad académica, a inicios de 2021. Mediante la técnica multivariante: Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples (MCA), y la técnica de minería de datos: Reglas de Asociación, se exploran las asociaciones e interdependencias existentes entre los factores que condicionan la percepción de seguridad de los y las colombianas mayores de 15 años, identificando aquellos factores que limitan su forma de actuar ante situaciones delictivas o de conflicto. Adicionalmente, se estudian las percepciones de confianza en las acciones de seguridad implementadas por organismos de la fuerza pública (Policía Nacional, las Fuerzas Militares, Alcaldías y la Fiscalía). Se concluye que la percepción de inseguridad en el país presenta distinciones por género, dado que los hombres, además de sentirse más seguros que las mujeres en diferentes lugares del espacio público, tienden a utilizar la violencia en caso de presenciar algún delito o para la defensa propia, mientras que tal comportamiento no es generalizado entre las colombianas. También se observa que la confianza en las instituciones de la fuerza pública es heterogénea entre la población del país y tiende a ser mayor en la medida en que se incrementa la edad de las personas
The aim in this work is analyzing the microdata of the last Citizen Security and Social Coexistence in Colombia (ECSC by its acronym in Spanish), carried out by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) in 2019, and made available for interpretation in the academic community early 2021. Through the multivariate technique: Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), and the data mining technique: Association Rules, the associations and interdependencies existing between the factors that determine the perception of safety in the Colombians over 15 years of age are explored. For this, the characteristics that limit their way of acting in criminal or conflict situations, are identified. Additionally, perceptions of trust in the security actions implemented by public force organizations (national police, military forces, city halls and the prosecution) are studied. It is concluded that the insecurity perception in the country have distinctions by gender, since men, in addition to feeling safer than women in different places of the public space, use violence in case of witnessing a crime or for self-defense, while such behavior is not generalized among Colombian women. It is also observed that trust in the public force institutions is heterogeneous among the population of the country and its hang to be higher as the age of the people increases.
The aim in this work is analyzing the microdata of the last Citizen Security and Social Coexistence in Colombia (ECSC by its acronym in Spanish), carried out by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) in 2019, and made available for interpretation in the academic community early 2021. Through the multivariate technique: Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), and the data mining technique: Association Rules, the associations and interdependencies existing between the factors that determine the perception of safety in the Colombians over 15 years of age are explored. For this, the characteristics that limit their way of acting in criminal or conflict situations, are identified. Additionally, perceptions of trust in the security actions implemented by public force organizations (national police, military forces, city halls and the prosecution) are studied. It is concluded that the insecurity perception in the country have distinctions by gender, since men, in addition to feeling safer than women in different places of the public space, use violence in case of witnessing a crime or for self-defense, while such behavior is not generalized among Colombian women. It is also observed that trust in the public force institutions is heterogeneous among the population of the country and its hang to be higher as the age of the people increases.
Hernández Arenas, M. (2021). Análisis multidimensional de las percepciones de seguridad y convivencia ciudadana en Colombia (tesis de maestría). Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.