Blind restoration of retinal images degraded by space-variant blur with adaptive blur estimation

dc.creatorMarrugo A.G.
dc.creatorMillan M.S.
dc.creatorSorel M.
dc.creatorSroubek F.
dc.description.abstractRetinal images are often degraded with a blur that varies across the gield view. Because traditional deblurring algorithms assume the blur to be space-invariant they typically fail in the presence of space-variant blur. In this work we consider the blur to be both unknown and space-variant. To carry out the restoration, we assume that in small regions the space-variant blur can be approximated by a space-invariant point-spread function (PSF). However, instead of deblurring the image on a per-patch basis, we extend individual PSFs by linear interpolation and perform a global restoration. Because the blind estimation of local PSFs may fail we propose a strategy for the identification of valid local PSFs and perform interpolation to obtain the space-variant PSF. The method was tested on artificial and real degraded retinal images. Results show significant improvement in the visibility of subtle details like small blood vessels. © 2013 SPIE.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipInternational Commission for Optics;The Optical Society;European Optical Society;Red Iberoamericana de Optica;Innova Scientific
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 8785
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.relation.conferencedate22 July 2013 through 26 July 2013
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.source.event8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting, RIAO 2013 and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications, OPTILAS 2013
dc.subject.keywordsMedical image
dc.subject.keywordsRetinal image
dc.subject.keywordsSpace-variant restoration
dc.subject.keywordsBlind estimations
dc.subject.keywordsBlind restoration
dc.subject.keywordsDeblurring algorithms
dc.subject.keywordsLinear Interpolation
dc.subject.keywordsPoint-spread functions
dc.subject.keywordsRetinal image
dc.subject.keywordsSpace variants
dc.subject.keywordsBlood vessels
dc.subject.keywordsMedical imaging
dc.subject.keywordsImage enhancement
dc.titleBlind restoration of retinal images degraded by space-variant blur with adaptive blur estimation
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