Acquisition and Analysis of Cognitive Evoked Potentials using an Emotiv Headset for ADHD Evaluation in Children

dc.creatorMercado-Aguirre I.M.
dc.creatorGutiérrez-Ruíz, Karol
dc.creatorContreras Ortiz, Sonia Helena
dc.description.abstractAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects the quality of life of the patients. It can be diagnosed using a combination of psychological tests. In addition to that, the brain activity of the patients can be analyzed using electroencephalography (EEG). The application of EEG tests requires the cooperation of the patients, which can be challenging in patients with ADHD. This paper describes the development of a system for stimuli generation, and acquisition and analysis of cognitive evoked potentials using the commercial system Emotiv EPOC+ headset. The results show that the system allows precise and reliable measurements of the P300 waves in children, and may provide a more comfortable experience for the patients compared to medical-grade systems. © 2019 IEEE.eng
dc.description.sponsorshipIEEE Colombia Section;IEEE Signal Processing Society Colombia Chapter;Universidad Industrial de Santander
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citation2019 22nd Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision, STSIVA 2019 - Conference Proceedings
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
dc.relation.conferencedate24 April 2019 through 26 April 2019
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.source.event22nd Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision, STSIVA 2019
dc.subject.keywordsImage processing
dc.subject.keywordsAttention deficit
dc.subject.keywordsBrain activity
dc.subject.keywordsCommercial systems
dc.subject.keywordsEmotiv epoc
dc.subject.keywordsMedical grades
dc.subject.keywordsPsychological tests
dc.subject.keywordsQuality of life
dc.subject.keywordsReliable measurement
dc.titleAcquisition and Analysis of Cognitive Evoked Potentials using an Emotiv Headset for ADHD Evaluation in Children
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