Fractional Fourier analysis of random signals and the notion of α -Stationarity of the Wigner-Ville distribution

dc.creatorTorres R.
dc.creatorTorres E.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, a generalized notion of wide-sense α-stationarity for random signals is presented. The notion of stationarity is fundamental in the Fourier analysis of random signals. For this purpose, a definition of the fractional correlation between two random variables is introduced. It is shown that for wide-sense α-stationary random signals, the fractional correlation and the fractional power spectral density functions form a fractional Fourier transform pair. Thus, the concept of α-stationarity plays an important role in the analysis of random signals through the fractional Fourier transform for signals nonstationary in the standard formulation, but α-stationary. Furthermore, we define the α-Wigner-Ville distribution in terms of the fractional correlation function, in which the standard Fourier analysis is the particular case for α=pi2, and it leads to the Wiener-Khinchin theorem. © 1991-2012 IEEE.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; Vol. 61, Núm. 6; pp. 1555-1560
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.subject.keywordsFractional correlation
dc.subject.keywordsFractional Fourier transformation
dc.subject.keywordsFractional power spectral density
dc.subject.keywordsRandom signals
dc.subject.keywordsWiener-Khinchin theorem
dc.subject.keywordsWigner-Ville distribution
dc.subject.keywordsFractional correlation
dc.subject.keywordsFractional Fourier Transformations
dc.subject.keywordsFractional power spectral density
dc.subject.keywordsRandom signal
dc.subject.keywordsWiener-Khinchin theorem
dc.subject.keywordsFourier optics
dc.subject.keywordsPower spectral density
dc.subject.keywordsWigner-Ville distribution
dc.subject.keywordsFourier analysis
dc.titleFractional Fourier analysis of random signals and the notion of α -Stationarity of the Wigner-Ville distribution
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