PBC Approach for SMES Devices in Electric Distribution Networks

dc.creatorMontoya O.D.
dc.creatorGil-González, Walter
dc.creatorSerra F.M.
dc.description.abstractThis express brief presents a nonlinear active and reactive power control for a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system connected in three-phase distribution networks using pulse-width modulated current-source converter (PWM-CSC). The passivity-based control (PBC) theory is selected as a nonlinear control technique, since the open-loop dynamical model exhibits a port-Hamiltonian (pH) structure. The PBC theory exploits the pH structure of the open-loop dynamical system to design a general control law, which preserves the passive structure in closed-loop via interconnection and damping reassignment. Additionally, the PBC theory guarantees globally asymptotically stability in the sense of Lyapunov for the closed-loop dynamical system. Simulation results in a three-phase radial distribution network show the possibility to control the active and reactive power independently as well as the possibility to use the SMES system connected through a PWM-CSC as a dynamic power factor compensator for time-varying loads. All simulations are conducted in a MATLAB/ODE package. © 2004-2012 IEEE.eng
dc.description.notesManuscript received December 29, 2017; accepted February 9, 2018. Date of publication February 13, 2018; date of current version November 23, 2018. This work was supported in part by the National Scholarship Program Doctorates of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia under Grant 727-2015, in part by Ph.D. Program in Engineering of Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia, and in part by Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina, and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Técnicas, Argentina. This brief was recommended by Associate Editor T. Fernando. (Corresponding author: O. D. Montoya.) O. D. Montoya is with the Programa de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Cartagena 131001, Colombia (e-mail: o.d.montoyagiraldo@ieee.org).
dc.description.sponsorshipConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de San Luis Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government: 727-2015
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs; Vol. 65, Núm. 12; pp. 2003-2007
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.subject.keywordsDistribution networks
dc.subject.keywordsPassivity-based control (PBC)
dc.subject.keywordsPulse-width modulated current-source converter (PWM-CSC)
dc.subject.keywordsSuperconducting energy storage system (SMES)
dc.subject.keywordsDynamical systems
dc.subject.keywordsElectric energy storage
dc.subject.keywordsElectric power distribution
dc.subject.keywordsEnergy storage
dc.subject.keywordsIntegrated circuit interconnects
dc.subject.keywordsMagnetic storage
dc.subject.keywordsMathematical models
dc.subject.keywordsPulse width modulation
dc.subject.keywordsReactive power
dc.subject.keywordsSuperconducting coils
dc.subject.keywordsSuperconducting magnets
dc.subject.keywordsActive and reactive power controls
dc.subject.keywordsEnergy storage systems
dc.subject.keywordsGlobally asymptotically stability
dc.subject.keywordsIntegrated circuit interconnections
dc.subject.keywordsPassivity based control
dc.subject.keywordsRadial distribution networks
dc.subject.keywordsSuperconducting magnetic energy storage system
dc.subject.keywordsPower control
dc.titlePBC Approach for SMES Devices in Electric Distribution Networks
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