HoloEasy, a web application for computer generated holograms

dc.contributor.editorSerrano C. J.E.
dc.contributor.editorMartínez-Santos, Juan Carlos
dc.creatorPatiño Vanegas, Alberto
dc.creatorDiaz-Pacheco L.L.
dc.creatorPatiño-Vanegas J.J.
dc.creatorMartínez-Santos J.C.
dc.description.abstractIf the appropriate phase and/or amplitude profile is placed on a Diffractive Optical Element (DOE) it can practically generate an image of an object (hologram) by diffraction of the light. The problem of generating computer holograms consists of calculating numerically the profile of phase and/or amplitude with which the DOE should be built. Computer Generated Holograms (CGH) can be used to construct general-purpose optical elements in the sense that they serve to transform a spatial distribution of light into any other. In this way, they are used in optical communication systems, laser machining, laser welding, optical readers, human vision, data storage and visualization, image processing, among others. Unlike the optical techniques for generating holograms, in the CGH both the desired image and the phase and/or amplitude distribution are calculated numerically. In this work, a web environment application has been developed to calculate the phase changes that a coherent beam of light must undergo when incident on a DOE, so that it is transformed by Fraunhofer diffraction, in the hologram of an object. We use an algorithm with iterative Fourier transformations (IFTA) that uses regulation and stabilization parameters can be chosen by the user. In addition, the user has the freedom to choose holograms for optical applications (free of speckles) generating initial diffusers of a limited band and without phase singularities. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.eng
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationCommunications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 885, pp. 471-486
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.relation.conferencedate26 September 2018 through 28 September 2018
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.source.event13th Colombian Conference on Computing, CCC 2018
dc.subject.keywordsComputer generated hologram
dc.subject.keywordsWeb application
dc.subject.keywordsData visualization
dc.subject.keywordsDiffractive optical elements
dc.subject.keywordsDiffusers (optical)
dc.subject.keywordsDigital storage
dc.subject.keywordsElectron holography
dc.subject.keywordsFourier transforms
dc.subject.keywordsImage communication systems
dc.subject.keywordsImage processing
dc.subject.keywordsIterative methods
dc.subject.keywordsOptical communication
dc.subject.keywordsOptical data processing
dc.subject.keywordsOptical image storage
dc.subject.keywordsAmplitude distributions
dc.subject.keywordsComputer generated holograms
dc.subject.keywordsFourier transformations
dc.subject.keywordsFraunhofer diffraction
dc.subject.keywordsOptical applications
dc.subject.keywordsStabilization parameters
dc.subject.keywordsWeb application
dc.subject.keywordsComputer generated holography
dc.titleHoloEasy, a web application for computer generated holograms
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