Trends and Perspectives of Sustainable Product Design for Open Architecture Products: Facing the Circular Economy Model

dc.creatorMesa J.A.
dc.creatorEsparragoza I.
dc.creatorMaury H.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to perform the analysis of literature review regarding the design of open architecture products (OAP) and their potential benefits within the circular economy (CE) model. The analysis involved studying more than 80 research articles during the last two decades in engineering journals. The articles were gathered through a bibliometric analysis using the most relevant keywords concerning product design, sustainability, OAP, and CE. Main trends, challenges and future scopes of research opportunities and development were identified. The study provides a framework to designers and researchers involved in the design of OAP to enhance their sustainability performance for a CE model, which integrates lifecycle considerations (reuse, remanufacturing, repair, and recycle), resource optimization, and emissions reduction. The findings include the need for design methods focused on the design of OAP to guarantee an effective circularity of resources during the whole lifecycle of products and the need of integrating manufacturing processes and material analysis to design products capable of adapting to the CE model. © 2019, Korean Society for Precision Engineering.eng
dc.description.notesAcknowledgements This work was supported by COLCIENCIAS through the Ph.D. National Scholarship Program No 617-2. Contract UN-OJ-2014-24072.
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, COLCIENCIAS
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology; Vol. 6, Núm. 2; pp. 377-391
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívar
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio UTB
dc.publisherKorean Society for Precision Engineering
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
dc.subject.keywordsCircular economy
dc.subject.keywordsOpen architecture products
dc.subject.keywordsResearch opportunities
dc.subject.keywordsSustainable design
dc.subject.keywordsComputer architecture
dc.subject.keywordsEmission control
dc.subject.keywordsLife cycle
dc.subject.keywordsSustainable development
dc.subject.keywordsCircular economy
dc.subject.keywordsManufacturing process
dc.subject.keywordsOpen architecture
dc.subject.keywordsResearch opportunities
dc.subject.keywordsResource optimization
dc.subject.keywordsSustainability performance
dc.subject.keywordsSustainable product designs
dc.subject.keywordsProduct design
dc.titleTrends and Perspectives of Sustainable Product Design for Open Architecture Products: Facing the Circular Economy Model
dc.type.spaArtículo de revisión
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