Transient phenomena generated in emptying operations in large-scale hydraulic pipelines
Romero, Guillermo
Fuertes Miquel, Vicente S.
Coronado Hernández, Óscar Enrique
Ponz-Carcelén, Román
Biel-Sanchis, Francisco
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Air pockets generated during emptying operations in pressurized hydraulic systems cause significant pressure drops inside pipes. To avoid these sudden pressure changes, one of the most widely used methods involves the installation of air valves along the pipeline route. These elements allow air exchange between the exterior and the interior of the pipe, which alleviates the pressure drops produced and thus prevents possible breaks or failures in the structure of the installation. This study uses a mathematical model previously validated by the authors in smaller installations to simulate all hydraulic variables involved in emptying processes over time. The purpose of these simulations is the validation of the mathematical model in real large-scale installations, and to do this, the results obtained with the mathematical model are compared with actual measurements made by the partner company. The hydraulic system selected for the study is a pipeline with a nominal diameter of 400 mm and a total length of 1020 m. The results obtained from the mathematical model show great similarity with the experimental measurements, thus validating the model for emptying large pipes.
Romero, G.; Fuertes-Miquel, V.S.; Coronado-Hernández, Ó.E.; Ponz-Carcelén, R.; Biel-Sanchis, F. Transient Phenomena Generated in Emptying Operations in Large-Scale Hydraulic Pipelines. Water 2020, 12, 2313.