On the nonlinear control of a single-phase current source converter for sinusoidal voltage generation

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Montoya, O.D.
Acevedo Patiño, Óscar
Gil-González, Walter
Holguín, M.
Serra, F.M.

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Colombian power system is being transformed for the large-scale integration of renewable energy resources and energy storage systems; all of these are integrated by power electronic converters controlled by voltage and current sources. In addition, for regulatory policies it is required that the alternating current networks that feeds linear and nonlinear loads, can provide pure sinusoidal voltage and current forms in terms of frequency and amplitude. To guarantee it, in this paper the design of a nonlinear controller for a single-phase current source converter is explored, which is switched through a pulse-width modulated signal for providing sinusoidal voltages on linear loads. It is applied a feedback nonlinear control design on the dynamical model of the converter by using its averaged representation. The proposed control strategy allows guaranteeing asymptotic stability in the sense of Lyapunov for closed-loop operation. In steady state conditions the voltage behavior on the linear load evidences a sinusoidal form with an estimation error lower than 0.667%, which can be considered negligible for any practical power system application. All the simulations are conducted via MATLAB software 2017b licensed by Universidad Tecnologica de Bolívar, Colombia.




Montoya, O. D., Acevedo, O., Gil-González, W., Holguín, M., & Serra, F. M. (2020). On the nonlinear control of a single-phase current source converter for sinusoidal voltage generation. Paper presented at the Journal of Physics: Conference Series, , 1448(1) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1448/1/012011