El clientelismo político como un riesgo para el Estado constitucional de Derecho colombiano
Perilla Granados, Juan Sebastián Alejandro
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La Constitución Política colombiana de 1991 estableció un Estado social de Derecho
fundado en un diseño constitucional, el cual implica un sistema de frenos y contrapesos para el ejercicio del poder. Desde una perspectiva formalista, se trata de un
aporte importante para que las decisiones estatales respondan a un equilibrio entre
diferentes exigencias que en últimas beneficien al interés general sobre el particular.
Sin embargo, desde una perspectiva antiformalista se evidencian fenómenos
políticos que ponen en riesgo un diseño aparentemente plausible; las prácticas políticas tienden a beneficiar el interés particular sobre el general. Se trata de un fenómeno recurrente en la realidad colombiana, en donde parece existir un riesgo para
la plena materialización de los postulados ponderados de los frenos y contrapesos
para el Estado constitucional de derecho.
The Colombian Political Constitution of 1991 developed a social State of Law founded on a constitutional design, which implies a system of checks and balances for the exercise of power. From a formalist perspective, it is an important contribution so that state decisions respond to a balance between different demands that ultimately benefit the general interest over the individual. However, from an anti-formalist perspective, political phenomena are evident that put an apparently plausible design at risk; political practices tend to benefit the particular interest over the general. It is a recurring phenomenon in the Colombian reality, where there seems to be a risk for the full materialization of the weighted postulates of checks and balances for the constitutional rule of law
The Colombian Political Constitution of 1991 developed a social State of Law founded on a constitutional design, which implies a system of checks and balances for the exercise of power. From a formalist perspective, it is an important contribution so that state decisions respond to a balance between different demands that ultimately benefit the general interest over the individual. However, from an anti-formalist perspective, political phenomena are evident that put an apparently plausible design at risk; political practices tend to benefit the particular interest over the general. It is a recurring phenomenon in the Colombian reality, where there seems to be a risk for the full materialization of the weighted postulates of checks and balances for the constitutional rule of law
Granados, Juan Sebastian Alejandro Perilla (2023). El clientelismo político como un riesgo para el Estado constitucional de Derecho colombiano. (2023). El clientelismo político como un riesgo para el Estado constitucional de Derecho colombiano. Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia Nad Prawem, 15(4), 7-20. https://doi.org/10.7206/kp.2080-1084.635