Maintenance strategy of a preheat train of crude oil distillation unit based on exergy and exergoeconomic analysis
Fajardo, Juan
Negrette, Camilo
Yabrudy, Daniel
Barreto, Deibys
Cardona, Camilo
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Established or create new ones to plan the cleaning tasks of the heat exchangers. In this
work, a maintenance strategy is developed for a preheating train under the Maintenance
Centered on Energy Efficiency (MCEE) methodology, where it is sought to integrate the
information of the principles of the second law of thermodynamics with economic variables
to use parameters. The modification of the maintenance justification parameter (J) is proposed, adding two new maintenance indicators (W and X). Each one seeks to evaluate an
essential criterion for the maintenance area: economic viability, technical feasibility, and
benefits, toward the other exchangers in the network after cleaning a specific component.
A criticality diagram and a criticality matrix are used. The heat exchangers are grouped
into subassemblies, with the leading group consisting of the key heat exchangers
(KHEX), the elements of which have a significant impact on the efficiency of the preheat
train. For their part, the regions are composed of components whose performance is less
considerable than that of the KHEX. In total, 34 maintenance activities will be carried
out, distributed among the 25 interchanges of the network. The planning of a program of
cleaning activities according to the maintenance strategy based on the methodology of
the MCEE establishes a substantial scientific contribution due to the almost null existence
of exergetic studies applied to the management of maintenance tasks and focused mainly on
the preheating of trains
ajardo, J., Negrette, C., Yabrudy, D., Barreto, D., and Cardona, C. (July 4, 2023). "Maintenance Strategy of a Preheat Train of a Crude Oil Distillation Unit Based on Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analysis." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. December 2023; 145(12): 121702.