Derivative-Free Power Flow Solution for Bipolar DC Networks with Multiple Constant Power Terminals
Medina-Quesada, Ángeles
Montoya, Oscar Danilo
Hernández, Jesus C.
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This paper analyzes the power flow solution in bipolar direct current networks with radial structures considering multiple monopolar and bipolar constant power loads. The electrical configuration of the bipolar DC grid considers that the reference pole is non-grounded along the feeder, which produces important neutral currents and voltage imbalances along the DC grid. The power flow problem is formulated through the triangular-based representation of the grid topology, which generates a recursive formulation that allows determining the voltage values in the demand nodes through an iterative procedure. The linear convergence of the triangular-based power flow method is tested through multiple load variations with respect to the nominal grid operative condition. Numerical results in the 21-and the 85-bus grids reveal the relevant variations in the voltage profiles and total grid power losses when the neutral cable is solidly grounded or not. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Medina-Quesada, Á., Montoya, O. D., & Hernández, J. C. (2022). Derivative-free power flow solution for bipolar DC networks with multiple constant power terminals. Sensors, 22(8), 2914.