II Workshop on Modeling and Simulation for Science and Engineering
Villa Ramírez, J L
Zuluaga Díaz, B
Ospina Ospina, R
Mesa, F
V-Niño, E D
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II Workshop on Modeling and Simulation for Science and Engineering (II WMSSE) was a conference
conducted at Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on
September 24, 25 and 26, 2019. There, works in several topics of science, technology and engineering
were presented. Specially, the participants of conference wanted to bring some solutions to the actual
industrial requirements such as improvement and optimization of the heat transfer equipment, electronic
devices, system control by mean of computational modeling. Also, dynamic system control was widely
used for the prediction of power flow market, diffusion of bacteria in coffee production, stress
concentration in industrial machines, analysis of population dynamics, model of hydrological and
pluviometric networks, encryption for intercommunication of substation control centers, and others.
Ramírez, J. V., Díaz, B. Z., Ospina, R. O., Mesa, F., & V-Niño, E. D. (2020). II Workshop on Modeling and Simulation for Science and Engineering. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1448, p. 011001).