La religión como estrategia de afrontamiento en los estudiantes universitarios : una revisión teórica
Vázquez-Miraz, Pedro
León, Juan Daniel
Álvarez-Merlano, Nicolás
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Se presenta en este artículo científico un análisis de la documentación existente obtenida en Scopus (2012-2020) acerca de las estrategias de afrontamiento religioso que poseen los estudiantes universitarios y su utilidad. El estudio lleva como objetivo el evidenciar qué cantidad de autores, artículos y documentos han estudiado, dentro de plataformas confiables y de calidad, el manejo y eficacia de este específico tipo de estrategia por parte de los estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados evidenciaron
mayoritariamente una visión positiva-neutra hacia lo religioso en las universidades ya que este tipo de afrontamiento tuvo resultados favorables en la salud de los alumnos. Palabras clave: Estrés académico; Estrategias de afrontamiento; Religión; Universidad.
This scientific article presents an analysis of the existing documentation obtained in Scopus (2012-2020) about the religious coping strategies possessed by university students and their usefulness. The study has as objective to show that several authors, articles, and documents have studied, from reliable and quality platforms, the management and effectiveness of this specific type of strategy by university students. The results demonstrated a mostly positive-neutral view towards religion in the universities since this type of approach had favorable results in the health of the students. Keywords: Academic stress; Coping strategies; Religion; University.
This scientific article presents an analysis of the existing documentation obtained in Scopus (2012-2020) about the religious coping strategies possessed by university students and their usefulness. The study has as objective to show that several authors, articles, and documents have studied, from reliable and quality platforms, the management and effectiveness of this specific type of strategy by university students. The results demonstrated a mostly positive-neutral view towards religion in the universities since this type of approach had favorable results in the health of the students. Keywords: Academic stress; Coping strategies; Religion; University.
Vázquez-Miraz, P., León, J. D., & áLvarez-MerLano, N. (2022). Religion as a coping stRategy in univeRsity students. a theoRetical review. [La reLigión como estrategia de afrontamiento en Los estudiantes universitarios. una revisión teórica] Carthaginensia, 38(74), 449-466.