La enseñanza de la creatividad en alumnos de psicología de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Cartagena, Colombia)
Vázquez-Miraz, Pedro
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Se presenta en el siguiente trabajo la experiencia pedagógica del programa de psicología de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (UTB), una universidad privada de Colombia (Cartagena de Indias) sobre cómo este programa académico enseña a sus educandos el abstracto concepto de creatividad. Un constructo teórico fundamental para entender el desarrollo de las habilidades estudiantiles en el ámbito artístico y la resolución de problemas, entre otros factores. Los planes de curso de este centro académico se centran en la potenciación de una formación integral de los estudiantes y es por lo que todos ellos, además de las materias específicas de su carrera, cursan de manera obligatoria asignaturas de humanidades y de otras áreas. De este modo los estudiantes universitarios de psicología de la UTB adquieren los conocimientos sobre la creatividad desde tres perspectivas diferentes: 1. la perspectiva de la psicología cognitiva desde la materia de Cognición, 2. la visión de las asignaturas electivas de humanidades y 3. la postura económica desde el curso Creatividad y Emprendimiento. Gracias a
este multidisciplinar pensum académico se permite al futuro psicólogo tener múltiples enfoques epistemológicos sobre la creatividad basados en diferentes métodos de enseñanza.
The following paper presents the pedagogical experience of the psychology program at the Universi- dad Tecnológica de Bolívar (UTB), a private university in Colombia (Cartagena de Indias) on how this academic program teaches its students the abstract concept of creativity. A fundamental theoretical construct to understand the development of student skills in the artistic field and problem solving, among other factors. The course plans of this academic center are focused on the promotion of a com- prehensive training of students and that is why all of them, in addition to the specific subjects of their career, are compulsorily taking subjects from the humanities and other areas. In this way, UTB psychology students acquire knowledge about creativity from three different perspectives: 1. the perspective of cognitive psychology from the subject of Cognition, 2. the vision of the Humanities elective subjects and 3. the economic position from the Creativity and Entrepreneurship course. This multidisciplinary academic curriculum allows the future psychologist to have multiple epistemological approaches to creativity based on different teaching methods.
The following paper presents the pedagogical experience of the psychology program at the Universi- dad Tecnológica de Bolívar (UTB), a private university in Colombia (Cartagena de Indias) on how this academic program teaches its students the abstract concept of creativity. A fundamental theoretical construct to understand the development of student skills in the artistic field and problem solving, among other factors. The course plans of this academic center are focused on the promotion of a com- prehensive training of students and that is why all of them, in addition to the specific subjects of their career, are compulsorily taking subjects from the humanities and other areas. In this way, UTB psychology students acquire knowledge about creativity from three different perspectives: 1. the perspective of cognitive psychology from the subject of Cognition, 2. the vision of the Humanities elective subjects and 3. the economic position from the Creativity and Entrepreneurship course. This multidisciplinary academic curriculum allows the future psychologist to have multiple epistemological approaches to creativity based on different teaching methods.
Vázquez-Miraz, P. (2021). La enseñanza de la creatividad en alumnos de psicología de la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Cartagena, Colombia). ARTSEDUCA, (30), 131-142.