Modelling of asphalt pavement structures for different design conditions on roads in Northern Colombia

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Wilches, Fernando Jove
Patrón Lambraño, Giancarlo
Millán-Páramo, Carlos

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The purpose of this manuscript is to present a collection of data showing the different variables involved in the design of asphalt pavements, obtained from 84 road sectors located in urban and rural roads in the department of Sucre, north of Colombia. The dataset presents the results of geotechnical studies obtained from soil samples taken in the field and from laboratory tests. Among the most relevant information, the characterization of the subgrade soils was determined, based on particle size analysis testing, Atterberg limits, natural moisture and the classification of soils based in the AASHTO system and the USCS system. The bearing capacity of the subgrade is also presented, from undisturbed samples, for the realization of the laboratory California Bearing Ratio. On the other hand, there is information related to design traffic for each of the evaluated road sectors, expressed in terms of the number of equivalent single axle loads (ESALs). Finally, the information was supplemented with the results of the pavement structures modeled and chosen as design alternatives, for which a rational design methodology was used and the fatigue laws of the TRRL (Transport and Road Research Laboratory) were followed, making use of the Pitra PAVE software to model pavement structures.




Fernando Jove Wilches, Giancarlo Patrón Lambraño And Carlos Millán-Páramo. 2020. “Modelling of Asphalt Pavement Structures for Different Design Conditions on Roads in Northern Colombia”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 13, Number 11: 3934–42