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dc.contributor.authorGutiérrez-Ruiz, Karol
dc.contributor.authorPaternina, Joel
dc.contributor.authorZakzuk, Sharick
dc.contributor.authorMendez, Sandra
dc.contributor.authorCastillo, Angie
dc.contributor.authorPayares, Laura
dc.contributor.authorPeñate, Andrea
dc.identifier.citationGutiérrez-Ruiz, K., Paternina, J., Zakzuk, S., Mendez, S., Castillo, A., Payares, L., Peñate, A. The executive functions as predictors of the academic performance of college students [Las funciones ejecutivas como predictoras del rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitarios] (2020) Psychology, Society and Education, 12 (3), pp. 161-174. DOI: 10.25115/PSYE.V12I3.2103spa
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we study the relationship between Executive Functions (EF) and academic performance, analyzing by means of EF cognitive measures if working memory, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility and categorization predict the general academic achievement of college students. A non-experimental cross-sectional study was conducted involving 104 college, who were evaluated using the Modified Wisconsisn Card Sorting Test (M-WCST), the Stroop color and word test, and working memory index from Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale WAIS-III; and the cumulative grade point average for the last academic period was recorded. A multiple hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to evaluate whether EFs contribute significantly to overall academic achievement, and the performance of EF tasks among students with low and average academic performance was compared. The results showed that the verbal working memory, cognitive flexibility and the abstraction and concept formation predict the general academic performance of college students, although they manage to explain 19,8% of the variance. A statistically significant difference was found with a median effect size between the group with low and average academic performance in the verbal working memory task. It is proposed the need to consider age as a possible mediating variable of the relationship between EF and general academic performance, and to explore other cognitive, behavioral and psychosocial variables that could be influencing in the academic performance of college studentsspa
dc.format.extent14 páginas
dc.sourcePsychology, Society and Education - Vol. 12 No 3 (2020)spa
dc.titleThe executive functions as predictors of the academic performance of college studentsspa
dc.title.alternativeLas funciones ejecutivas como predictoras del rendimiento académico de estudiantes universitariosspa
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dc.subject.keywordsAcademic performancespa
dc.subject.keywordsCognitive flexibilityspa
dc.subject.keywordsExecutive functionsspa
dc.subject.keywordsInhibitory controlspa
dc.subject.keywordsWorking memoryspa
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.publisher.placeCartagena de Indiasspa

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Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.