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dc.contributor.authorContreras Ortiz, Sonia Helena
dc.contributor.authorOjeda- Caicedo, Vilma V.
dc.contributor.authorMarrugo- Salas, Lina
dc.contributor.authorContreras- Ortiz, Sonia H.
dc.identifier.citationSonia Helena Contreras-Ortiz, Vilma Viviana Ojeda Caicedo, Lina Margarita Marrugo-Salas, and Martha Susana Contreras-Ortiz. 2021. A Model for the Development of Programming Courses to Promote the Participation of Young Women in STEM. In Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM'21) (TEEM'21), October 26–29, 2021, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA 7 Pages.
dc.description.abstractThere is a gender gap in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and this is a global problem that affects society. However, it is worth pointing out that the gap is not uniform in all STEM fields. Women’s underrepresentation is more marked in physics, engineering, and computer science fields. Nowadays, the labor market is becoming more competitive, technology-based and demands a diverse workforce. Therefore, it is important to continue promoting the participation of women in STEM, and the universities play a leading role in it. Previous research has shown that early learning experiences in STEM can show female students that they can succeed in this fields. This paper describes a model for developing programming courses for pre-university students to promote the participation of young women in STEM programs. The course was developed in one week, 25 students (16 girls and 9 boys) participated. The instructors of the course were four female professors. The programming language was Python, and the methodology used case-based learning. Both instructors and students gave positive comments on their experience in the course. The proposed model, including instruments, learning resources, and methodology, can be replicated and adapted to be used even in other learning fieldsspa
dc.format.extent7 Páginas
dc.sourceA Model for the Development of Programming Courses TEEM’21, October 26–29, 2021spa
dc.titleA model for the development of programming courses to promote the participation of young women in STEMspa
dcterms.bibliographicCitationSapna Cheryan, Sianna A Ziegler, Amanda K Montoya, and Lily Jiang. 2017. Why are some STEM fields more gender balanced than others? Psychological bulletin 143, 1 (2017)spa
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dcterms.bibliographicCitationAlicia García-Holgado, Amparo Camacho Díaz, and Francisco J García-Peñalvo. 2019. Engaging women into STEM in Latin America: W-STEM project. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. 232–239spa
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dcterms.bibliographicCitationJoyce B. Main and Corey Schimpf. 2017. The Underrepresentation of Women in Computing Fields: A Synthesis of Literature Using a Life Course Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Education 60, 4 (2017), 296–304. 2017.2704060spa
dcterms.bibliographicCitationHeng Ngee Mok and Vandana Ramachandra Rao. 2018. Introducing basic programming to pre-university students: A successful initiative in Singapore. In 2018 17th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET). IEEE, 1–
dcterms.bibliographicCitationLori Pollock, Kathleen McCoy, Sandra Carberry, Namratha Hundigopal, and Xiaoxin You. 2004. Increasing high school girls’ self confidence and awareness of CS through a positive summer experience. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 36, 1 (2004), 185–189spa
dcterms.bibliographicCitationMariam Salloum, Daniel Jeske, Wenxiu Ma, Vagelis Papalexakis, Christian Shelton, Vassilis Tsotras, and Shuheng Zhou. 2021. Developing an interdisciplinary data science program. In Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. 509–
dcterms.bibliographicCitationRafael J Segura, Francisco J del Pino, Carlos J Ogáyar, and Antonio J Rueda. 2020. VR-OCKS: A virtual reality game for learning the basic concepts of programming. Computer Applications in Engineering Education 28, 1 (2020), 31–
dcterms.bibliographicCitationRavi S Sharma, Zhang Hao Goh, Guangyuan Sun, and Wei Ta Ho. 2014. Does ICT effectively contribute to the delivery of mass education in developing countries?. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology. IEEE, 375–
dcterms.bibliographicCitationRedacción Tecnología. 2020. El país tiene un déficit de 75.000 ingenieros de sistemas. Semana (Apr 2020).spa
dcterms.bibliographicCitationUNESCO. 2020. UNESCO and the promise of gender equality: key actions of 2018 and 2019. Retrieved July 2, 2021 from /48223/pf0000372716.locale=enspa
dc.subject.keywordsProgramming coursespa
dc.subject.keywordsWomen in STEMspa
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.publisher.placeCartagena de Indiasspa

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Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.