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dc.contributor.authorMarrugo-Tobón, Duván Andres
dc.contributor.authorMartinez-Santos, Juan Carlos
dc.contributor.authorPuertas, Edwin
dc.identifier.citationMarrugo-Tobón, D., Martınez-Santos, J., & Puerta, E. (2023). Natural language content evaluation system for multiclass detection of hate speech in tweets using transformers. In Proceedings of the Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum (IberLEF 2023).spa
dc.description.abstractIn natural language processing, accurate categorization of tweets, including detecting hate speech, plays a pivotal role in efficient information organization and analysis. This paper presents a Natural Language Contents Evaluation System specifically tailored for multi-class tweet categorization, focusing on hate speech detection. Our system enhances classification accuracy and efficiency by harnessing the power of Transformers, namely BERT and DistilBERT. By leveraging feature extraction techniques, we capture pertinent information from tweets, enabling practical analysis, categorization, and identification of hate speech instances. During training, we also tackle imbalanced corpora by employing techniques to ensure fair representation of different tweet categories, including hate speech. Our system achieves impressive accuracy through extensive training of 95%, showcasing Transformers' effectiveness in comprehending and categorizing tweets, including identifying hate speech. Furthermore, our system maintains a good accuracy during testing of 83%, highlighting the robustness and generalizability of the trained models for hate speech detection. This system contributes to advancing automated tweet categorization, specifically in hate speech detection, providing a reliable and efficient solution for organizing and analyzing diverse tweet
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad Tecnología de Bolívarspa
dc.format.extent12 páginas
dc.sourceIberian Languages Evaluation Forumspa
dc.titleNatural language content evaluation system for multiclass detection of hate speech in tweets using transformersspa
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dcterms.bibliographicCitationAloraini, M., Khan, A., Aladhadh, S., Habib, S., Alsharekh, M. F., & Islam, M. (2023). Combining the Transformer and Convolution for Effective Brain Tumor Classification Using MRI Images. Applied Sciences, 13(6),
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dcterms.bibliographicCitationHuerta-Velasco, D. A., & Calvo, H. (2022). Verbal Aggressions Detection in Mexican Tweets. Computación y Sistemas, 26(1),
dcterms.bibliographicCitationSilva Barbon, R., & Akabane, A. T. (2022). Towards Transfer Learning Techniques—BERT, DistilBERT, BERTimbau, and DistilBERTimbau for Automatic Text Classification from Different Languages: A Case Study. Sensors, 22(21),
dc.subject.keywordsFeature extractionspa
dc.subject.keywordsHate speech detectionspa
dc.subject.keywordsNatural language processingspa
dc.subject.keywordsTweet categorizationspa
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívarspa
dc.publisher.placeCartagena de Indiasspa
dc.audiencePúblico generalspa
dc.publisher.sedeCampus Tecnológicospa
dc.publisher.disciplineMaestría en Ingenieríaspa

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Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.