App SismIA: Sistema integrado de alerta sísmica temprana y asistencia a partir de inteligencia artificial, proyecto con enfoque adaptativo

Caro Osorio, Katherine Paola
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This scientific article presents the development of SismIA, an innovative application designed to enhance seismic warning systems in Mexico City. SismIA is at the forefront of new technologies, as it makes use of artificial intelligence to assist its users when they receive the seismic patterns provided by SASMEX, the city's seismic warning system par excellence. This is done to contribute to the safety of citizens and their preparedness for seismic events, in the same way that it becomes a challenge for project management with an agile approach as it is a natural phenomenon. Keywords—Application, Seismic warning systems, Mexico City, new technologies, artificial intelligence, safety, seismic event, project management, agile approach, natural phenomenon
K. Caro-Osorio. App SismIA: Sistema integrado de alerta sísmica temprana y asistencia a partir de inteligencia artificial, proyecto con enfoque adaptativo. Maestría en Gestión de Proyectos. Artículo de maestría. UTB. 2024