Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Which factors explain information exchange and user referral among program implementers?
The Program for Psychosocial Care and Comprehensive Health for Victims serves, on a yearly basis, an average of 25,000 users in northern Colombia alone. The program is implemented by multidisciplinary teams comprised of ...
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Strategies of COVID-19 Vaccination in Colombia: Comparison of High-Risk Prioritization and No Prioritization Strategies With the Absence of a Vaccination Plan
Objectives: Our study compares two national COVID-19 vaccination plan strategies—high-risk prioritization and no prioritization—and estimates their cost-effectiveness compared with no vaccination, to generate possible ...
challenges and possibilities of memory and reconciliation: empirical evidence for Colombia
The signing of the peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) deepened the debate on the reconstruction of memory as a right of the victims and a way to advance in the reconciliation ...
The role of energy storage and cross-border interconnections for increasing the flexibility of future power systems : the case of Colombia
The rapid expansion of renewable energy technologies in the electricity sector
introduces new significant challenges for power systems due to their high
intermittency. Therefore, more flexibility is needed to ensure that ...
A preliminary analysis for selecting the best hydrological probability density functions of annual peak flows associated to various return periods in some rivers of Colombia
Analysis of extreme events of annual flow peaks are used for sizing hydraulic structures for specified return period. Cumulative distribution functions are applied to annual flow peak records in order to obtain extreme ...
Who Participates in Popular Feasts and Festivals? An Empirical Approach from Cultural Economics Applied to the Carnival of Barranquilla (Colombia)
The empirical analysis of individual participation in local and popular feasts and festivals is a field little explored by cultural economists. This article proposes a methodological scheme to analyse the profile of the ...
Narrativas para la emergencia del perdón, la reparación y la reconciliación en víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia
En los procesos de construcción de paz en Colombia, perdonar, reconciliarse y buscar la reparación de las víctimas se vuelven condiciones necesarias y decisivas. Estudios precedentes indican que cuando no son abordados ...
Sustainability and women entrepreneurship through new business models: the case of microfranchises in post-peace agreement Colombia
Purpose – This study aims to analyze the establishment of sustainable microfranchises by women victims of the conflict (WVC) entrepreneurs who suffered the consequences and impacts of the longest-running internal conflict ...
Transformación productiva e inseguridad alimentaria en zonas de conflicto armado. El caso de María la Baja, Colombia
El artículo analiza la transformación productiva en el marco del conflicto armado interno colombiano
y sus efectos sobre las dinámicas económicas, sociales y ambientales de las poblaciones
campesinas de María La Baja ...
Consumo de anime en la población universitaria de Cartagena
Esta investigación presenta un análisis sobre el consumo de anime en la población universitaria
de Cartagena (Colombia). Se encontró que la mayoría de los participantes conciben este tipo de
animación japonesa como una ...
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.