Now showing items 1-10 of 31
Restoration of retinal images with space-variant blur
Retinal images are essential clinical resources for the diagnosis of retinopathy and many other ocular diseases. Because of improper acquisition conditions or inherent optical aberrations in the eye, the images are often ...
Programmable diffractive lens for ophthalmic application
(SPIE, 2014)
Pixelated liquid crystal displays have been widely used as spatial light modulators to implement programmable diffractive optical elements, particularly diffractive lenses. Many different applications of such components ...
Virtual lab in Modelica of a cement clinker cooler for operator training
Plant operator training plays a fundamental role in improving the energy efficiency of the cement manufacturing process and in reducing the CO2 emission. A virtual lab of a clinker grate cooler, intended for the training ...
Hybrid choice model for alternative fuelled vehicles [Modelación híbrida para la elección de vehículos con energías alternativas]
(Interciencia Association, 2014)
The promotion of alternative fuelled vehicles for the reduction of atmospheric emissions is a highly discussed topic nowadays. It requires evaluating the potential demand and people's preferences for vehicles using these ...
Exact relativistic models of thin disks around static black holes in a magnetic field
The exact superposition of a central static black hole with surrounding thin disk in presence of a magnetic field is investigated. We consider two models of disk, one of infinite extension based on a Kuzmin-Chazy-Curzon ...
Implementation of an image based focusing algorithm for non-mydriatic retinal imaging
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)
Retinal photography is important for the assessment of eye diseases. The task of fine focusing the image is demanding and lack of focus is often the cause of suboptimal photographs. The advent of digital cameras has provided ...
Moral sentiment and reason: The notion of justice in Adam Smith and Amartya Sen
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2014)
Amartya Sen argues that his notion of justice has its origins in the thinking of Adam Smith. Sen employed, in a very particular way, the concepts of sympathy and the impartial spectator. Beyond the statement of Sen, we are ...
Retinal image analysis oriented to the clinical task
(Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2014)
Fractional sampling theorem for -bandlimited random signals and its relation to the von neumann ergodic theorem
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)
Considering that fractional correlation function and the fractional power spectral density, for -stationary random signals, form a fractional Fourier transform pair. We present an interpolation formula to estimate a random ...
A density functional theory study of the reconstruction of gold (111) surfaces
(American Chemical Society, 2014)
We studied (p × √3) gold (111) surface reconstructions within the DFT/PW91 approximation. Our findings clearly show that the reconstruction is energetically favorable in unreconstructed surfaces equal to or larger than the ...
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.