Browsing Investigaciones by Title
Now showing items 1204-1223 of 1487
Rapid Filling Analysis with an Entrapped Air Pocket in Water Pipelines Using a 3D CFD Model
(Cartagena de Indias, 2023-02-21)A filling operation generates continuous changes over the shape of an air–water interface, which can be captured using a 3D CFD model. This research analyses the influence of different hydro-pneumatic tank pressures and ... -
Rapid Mapping of Waterbody Variations in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia, Using the Digital Earth Africa Open Data Cube
(Cartagena de IndiasCiencias Básicas, 2023-10-20)Mapping waterbodies variations through time is only possible thanks to the use of in-situ hydrometric sensors or remotely sensed data. Few areas around the world count with a functional in-situ sensor’s network, but all ... -
Rasch Analysis of the Q-CHAT in Colombian Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(Springer New York LLC, 2019)The objective of this study was the validation of the Colombian version of The Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT) by means of the Rasch Rating Scale Model. The Q-CHAT was applied to parents of 100 ... -
Reactive scheduling in collaborative supply chain: A literature review
(Revista Espacios, 2017)This paper aims to review the literature on the reprogramming of production in collaborative supply chains, through a thorough investigation and Scientometric analysis to identify the behavior of publications in recent ... -
Recent Developments
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022-12-31)Editor-in-Chief Andres Marrugo discusses the latest developments in the journal -
Recovery of (Z)-13-Docosenamide from Industrial Wastewater and Its Application in the Production of Virgin Polypropylene to Improve the Coefficient of Friction in Film Type Applications
(Cartagena de Indias, 2023-01-09)Additives play an important role in the production of plastic materials through their application, in which the mechanical, thermal, and physical properties of polymers are improved, making them last longer and be more ... -
Recovery of (Z)-13-Docosenamide from IndustrialWastewater and Its Application in the Production of Virgin Polypropylene to Improve the Coefficient of Friction in Film Type Applications
(Cartagena de IndiasCampus Tecnológico, 2023-01-09)Abstract: Additives play an important role in the production of plastic materials through their application, in which the mechanical, thermal, and physical properties of polymers are improved, making them last longer and ... -
Recovery of an Antioxidant Derived from a Phenolic Diphosphite from Wastewater during the Production of a Polypropylene Compound: A Step towards Sustainable Management
(Cartagena de IndiasCampus Tecnológico, 2024-06-11)Organic phosphoester (OPE) antioxidants are currently required due to their contribution to enhancing the quality of polymers, including polypropylene (PP). In this research, an integral methodology is presented for the ... -
Recursive convex approximations for optimal power flow solution in direct current networks
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022-08-12)The optimal power flow problem in direct current (DC) networks considering dispersal generation is addressed in this paper from the recursive programming point of view. The nonlinear programming model is transformed into ... -
Recursive Convex Model for Optimal Power Flow Solution in Monopolar DC Networks
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022-10-05)This paper presents a new optimal power flow (OPF) formulation for monopolar DC networks using a recursive convex representation. The hyperbolic relation between the voltages and power at each constant power terminal ... -
Redes sociales digitales como lugares de memoria: diálogos ciudadanos a través de la fotografía en Facebook
(Cartagena de IndiasCampus TecnológicoComunicación Social, 2022-12-20)El presente trabajo aborda la potencialidad de los social media como espacios de diálogo ciudadano en torno a la memoria y la identidad cultural de los territorios y sus habitantes. Desde la perspectiva de la antropología ... -
Reducing Inequality in Colombia: The Imne Strategy in the Association of Indigenous Women Zenú
(Cartagena de IndiasCampus Tecnológico, 2024-05-10)Objective: systematize the implementation process of the IMNE strategy from October 15, 2023 and until March 15, 2024 in the Association of Zenú Indigenous Women located in Montes de María (Bolívar – Colombia) from human ... -
Reduction of annual operational costs in power systems through the optimal siting and sizing of STATCOMs
(Cartagena de Indias, 2021-04-17)The problem of the optimal siting and placement of static compensates (STATCOMs) in power systems is addressed in this paper from an exact mathematical optimization point of view. A mixed-integer nonlinear programming ... -
Reduction of blooming artifacts in cardiac CT images by blind deconvolution and anisotropic diffusion filtering
(SPIE, 2015)Even though CT is an imaging technique that offers high quality images, limitations on its spatial resolution cause blurring in small objects with high contrast. This phenomenon is known as blooming artifact and affects ... -
Reduction of losses and operating costs in distribution networks using a genetic algorithm and mathematical optimization
(Cartagena de IndiasCampus TecnológicoIngeniería Eléctrica, 2021-02-09)This study deals with the minimization of the operational and investment cost in the distribution and operation of the power flow considering the installation of fixed-step capacitor banks. This issue is represented by a ... -
Reflexiones y recomendaciones en torno a la experiencia del comité por la revitalización de las fiestas de la independencia de Cartagena de Indias /
(2020)En el presente estudio de abordaje etnográfico, cuyo diseño se circunscribe al análisis de condiciones para la participación, se describen e interpretan aquellos determinantes del contexto y de la dinámica interna del ... -
Reflexión para el fomento del emprendimiento de alto impacto en el ecosistema empresarial de la ciudad de Cartagena /
(2020)En gran medida se ha hablado de la importancia del desarrollo de emprendimientos para la dinámica económica y social de un país o una región en particular; es de suma importancia entender el porqué de la necesidad de crear ... -
Region growing segmentation of ultrasound images using gradients and local statistics
(SPIE, 2017)This paper describes a region growing segmentation algorithm for medical ultrasound images. The algorithm starts with anisotropic diffusion filtering to reduce speckle noise without blurring the edges. Then, region growing ... -
Relational Agreement Measures for Similarity Searching of Cheminformatic Data Sets
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)Research on similarity searching of cheminformatic data sets has been focused on similarity measures using fingerprints. However, nominal scales are the least informative of all metric scales, increasing the tied similarity ... -
Relationship between magnetic rigidity cutoff and chaotic behavior in cosmic ray time series using visibility graph and network analysis techniques
(Cartagena de Indias, 2024-01-18)Cosmic rays are highly energetic particles originating from astrophysical events outside the Solar System. In this study, we analyze the time series of cosmic ray flux measured by neutron detectors at 16 monitoring stations ...
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.