Now showing items 693-712 of 1487

    • H2 controller design on engine rotor rotation 

      Ramírez, V C A; Grisales-Noreña L.F.; Montoya, O D (Cartagena de Indias, 2020)
      This article exposes the implementation of the H2 controller, which is rare in the literature because it is a more robust control and not only errors but also disturbances that can affect the dynamics of the control system ...
    • Hand anthropometric study in northern Colombia 

      Oviedo-Trespalacios O.; Martínez Buelvas, Laura; Hernández J.; Escobar J. (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2017)
      The main purpose of this study is to gather information about the dimensions of the northern Colombian (Caribbean region) population, focusing on the dimensions of the hand and comparing them with measurements from other ...
    • Harmonic analysis of shear deformable orthotropic cracked plates using the Boundary Element Method 

      Useche Vivero, Jairo; Albuquerque E.L.; Sollero P. (2012)
      In this work, the modal and harmonic analysis of orthotropic shear deformable cracked plates using a direct time-domain Boundary Element Method formulation based on the elastostatic fundamental solution of the problem is ...
    • Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Pilot Plant for Cyanide Decontamination: A Novel Solar Rotary Photoreactor 

      Tirado-Munõz, Omar; Tirado-Ballestas, Irina; Barbosa Lopez, Aida Liliana; Colina-Marquez, Jose (Cartagena de Indias, 2022)
      During the gold extraction in opencast mining, many hazardous substances, such as cyanide, are spilled into the water bodies. This study’s aim was to develop a novel rotary photocatalytic TiO2-based reactor to remove cyanide ...
    • Heuristic approach for optimal location and sizing of distributed generators in AC distribution networks 

      Bocanegra S.Y.; Montoya O.D. (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, 2019)
      This paper addresses, from a heuristic point of view, the problem of the optimal location and sizing of distributed generators (DGs) in alternating-current distribution networks with radial topology. A master–slave ...
    • Heuristic Methodology for Planning AC Rural Medium-Voltage Distribution Grids 

      Montoya, Oscar Danilo; Serra, Federico Martin; De Angelo, Cristian Hernan; Chamorro, Harold R.; Alvarado-Barrios, Lázaro (Cartagena de Indias, 2021-08-20)
      The optimal expansion of AC medium-voltage distribution grids for rural applications is addressed in this study from a heuristic perspective. The optimal routes of a distribution feeder are selected by applying the concept ...
    • Hexagonal filters for ultrasound images 

      Contreras Ortiz, Sonia Helena; Fox M.D. (2014)
      Most of the devices for acquisition and display of medical images use rectangular lattices even though there are other sampling strategies that can be more efficient in terms of resolution. This paper proposes an approach ...
    • Hierarchical agglomerative clustering of time-warped series 

      Kotas, Marian; Leski J.; Moroń T.; Guzmán J.G. (Springer Verlag, 2018)
      We have developed a procedure for hierarchical agglomerative clustering of time series data. To measure the dissimilarity between these data, we use classically the Euclidean distance or we apply the costs of the series ...
    • Hierarchical Control for DC Microgrids Using an Exact Feedback Controller with Integral Action 

      Montoya, Oscar Danilo; Martin Serra, Federico; Molina-Cabrera, Alexander (Cartagena de Indias, 2022-02-06)
      This paper addresses the problem of the optimal stabilization of DC microgrids using a hierarchical control design. A recursive optimal power flow formulation is proposed in the tertiary stage that ensures the global ...
    • High impedance fault modeling and location for transmission line 

      García, Jose Doria; Orozco-Henao, Cesar; Leborgne, Roberto; Montoya, Oscar Danilo; Gil-González, Walter (Cartagena de Indias, 2021-04-07)
      A fault in a power system generates economic losses, security problems, social problems and can even take human lives. Therefore, it is necessary to have an efficient fault location strategy to reduce the exposure time ...
    • High impedance fault modeling and location for transmission line✰ 

      Doria-García, Jose; Orozco-Henao, Cesar; Leborgne, Roberto; Montoya, Oscar Danilo; Gil-González, Walter (Cartagena de Indias, 2021)
      A fault in a power system generates economic losses, security problems, social problems and can even take human lives. Therefore, it is necessary to have an efficient fault location strategy to reduce the exposure time and ...
    • Higher-order kinematic analyses of a planar parallel robot based on screw theory 

      Rodelo, M; Villa Ramírez, José Luis; Yime, E (Cartagena de Indias, 2020)
      This paper presents the higher-order kinematic analyses of a planar parallel robot, addressed by means of the theory of screws. The reduced velocity, acceleration, jerk and hyper-jerk state for the end-effector of robot ...
    • Highly compact surface micromachined metamaterial circuits using multilayers of low-loss Benzocyclobutene for microwave and millimeter wave applications 

      Eliecer Sr. D.; Cheng X.; Yoon, Y.K. (2012)
      This work explores the implementation of highly compact three dimensional (3D) integrable metamaterial based transmission lines on a low resistivity CMOS grade silicon substrate for microwave and millimeter wave applications. ...
    • Highway Planning Trends: A Bibliometric Analysis 

      Castañeda, Karen; Sánchez, Omar; Herrera, Rodrigo F.; Mejía, Guillermo (Cartagena de Indias, 2022)
      An efficient highway infrastructure network is a determining factor in promoting the socio-economic development of countries and regions. Highway planning activities are highly important because their results ensure that ...
    • Hilo lector: introducción 

      (Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Programa de Comunicación social (Cartagena de IndiasCampus TecnológicoComunicación Social, 2020-01-28)
      Una serie de podcasts para estimular la lectura entre los estudiantes del programa de Comunicación Social y la Facultad de Ciencias sociales y Humanidades. Con nuestro Hilo se ha tejido una colección de lecturas de clásicos ...
    • HoloEasy, a web application for computer generated holograms 

      Patiño Vanegas, Alberto; Diaz-Pacheco L.L.; Patiño-Vanegas J.J.; Martínez-Santos J.C. (Springer Verlag, 2018)
      If the appropriate phase and/or amplitude profile is placed on a Diffractive Optical Element (DOE) it can practically generate an image of an object (hologram) by diffraction of the light. The problem of generating computer ...
    • How do the affective and symbolic factors of private car driving influence car users’ travel behavior in a car restriction policy scenario? 

      Macea, Luis F.; Márquez, Luis; Soto, Jose J. (Cartagena de Indias, 2023)
      The number of private car trips a person makes is usually linked to external factors such as economic incentives or disincentives, legislation, infrastructure, and the quality of transport systems, among others. The impact ...
    • How evolving network access and network management technologies are redefining the competitive wireless markets 

      Beltrán F.; Gutiérrez J.A.; Melús J.L. (2011)
      This paper examines some of the key problems users encounter when accessing current generation wireless networks. Using a case study of a hypothetical user, the authors explore the emerging services and the new broadband ...
    • How to manage generations? An Approach based on the Quality of Work Life 

      Martínez-Buelvas L.; Jaramillo-Naranjo O. (IBIMA Publishing, 2019)
      The objectives of this research are to examine whether there are significant differences in the perception of quality of work life among employees of three generational cohorts (i.e., Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and ...
    • Hölder continuous maps on the interval with positive metric mean dimension 

      Muentes Acevedo, Jeovanny de Jesus; Romana Ibarra, Sergio Augusto; Arias Cantillo, Raibel de Jesús (Cartagena de IndiasCampus Tecnológico, 2023-11)
      Fix a compact metric space X with finite topological dimension. Let C0(X) be the space of continuous maps on X and Hα(X) the space of α-Hölder continuous maps on X, for α ∈ (0, 1]. Let H1(X) be the space of Lipschitz ...

      Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.