Browsing Investigaciones by Title
Now showing items 632-651 of 1483
Fabrication of carbon nanofibrous microelectrode array (CNF-MEA) using nanofiber immersion photolithography
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014)Microelectrode arrays (MEAs) are widely used for stimulating and receiving electrical signals between human and machines and for in vitro neural study. This work demonstrates the fabrication process of nanofibrous 3D ... -
Factores asociados al comportamiento de las ventas de los servicios de Reparación y Mantenimiento de Embarcaciones de hasta 3.600 toneladas en los años 2010 a 2020 en un Astillero del Caribe /
(2020)La predicción de las ventas a mediano y largo plazo es uno de los problemas más complejos para las empresas de servicios en el sector marítimo, pues las dinámicas de estos sectores empresariales dependen tanto de factores ... -
Factors Associated with Urinary Tract Infection after Prostatectomy
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022)Introduction and Objective Prostate surgery is a common procedure among older men. There are different techniques, and the choice depends on the pathology to be treated, the experience of the specialist, and the technical ... -
Factors influencing demand for public transport in Colombia
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020)The article studies the demand for public transport in Colombian cities, identifying the main determinants explaining market shares for transit services. We used aggregated choice models to estimate overall price, income, ... -
Factors that affect quality of work life of the millennials linked to the commercial sector in Colombia
(Cartagena de Indias, 2021-05-01)The present investigation has two aims: (1) to empirically examine the factors that affect QWL among the millennials working in the commercial sector in Colombia and (2) to investigate the role of a set of individual ... -
Factors that affect quality of work life of the millennials linked to the commercial sector in Colombia
(Cartagena de Indias, 2021)The present investigation has two aims: (1) to empirically examine the factors that affect QWL among the millennials working in the commercial sector in Colombia and (2) to investigate the role of a set of individual ... -
Failures Identification in Refrigeration Equipment
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020-12-24)A refrigerator is an essential element in the preservation of perishable products; if there is some damage, its poorly performance prevents to guarantee the quality of the products contained in it, because the temperature ... -
Failures Monitoring in Refrigeration Equipment
(Springer Verlag, 2018)The refrigerators are the responsible to assure the temperature and humidity conditions for perishable products stored in it. In this sense, it is necessary to guarantee its good performance at all times in order to preserve ... -
La familia de crianza desde la jurisprudencia constitucional colombiana
(Cartagena de IndiasCampus Tecnológicoprograma2, 2024)La familia de crianzaes una institución jurídica que en elsistema jurídico colombiano seadscribe a la iusteoría delantiformalismo. Esto se justifica alconsiderar que la ConstituciónPolítica colombiana ... -
Familias diversas conformadas por sujetos expulsados de sus familias biológicas: una propuesta hermenéutica de protección constitucional
(Cartagena de IndiasDerechoCasa Lemaitre, 2024-08)Como consecuencia de las relaciones familiares de subordinación basadas en la dependencia, algunas personas son expulsadas de sus familias biológicas por ser sexualmente diversas, auto reconocidas con géneros divergentes ... -
Family school climate and its relationship with academic performance: Application in rural educational institutions
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022)Analyses that allow understanding the organizational behavior of the actors are very important. The objective of this article is to determine the relationship between family social climate and educational quality indicators ... -
Fatigue Life Estimation Model of Repaired Components with the Expanded Stop-Hole Technique
(Cartagena de IndiasCampus TecnológicoIngeniería Mecánica, 2024-02-01)Fatigue crack growth tests are conducted to assess the efficacy of the stop-hole crack repair method. This straightforward and widely adopted technique involves drilling a hole at the crack tip and subsequently enlarging ... -
Features of dengue and chikungunya infections of colombian children under 24 months of age admitted to the emergency department
(Oxford University Press, 2018)We aimed to assess clinical and laboratory differences between dengue and chikungunya in children <24 months of age in a comparative study. We collected retrospective clinical and laboratory data confirmed by NS1/IgM for ... -
Fetal ECG extraction using independent component analysis by Jade approach
(SPIE, 2017)Fetal ECG monitoring is a useful method to assess the fetus health and detect abnormal conditions. In this paper we propose an approach to extract fetal ECG from abdomen and chest signals using independent component analysis ... -
La fiducia mercantil como alternativa para los procesos de sucesión por causa de muerte en Colombia
(Cartagena de IndiasDerechoCampus Tecnológico, 2024-12)En Colombia, el derecho de sucesiones se enmarca en una iusteoría formalista que ha llevado a la inaplicación de sus disposiciones desde las prácticas del conglomerado social. Las causas principales son la excesiva limitación ... -
Financial modelling in turbulent scenarios: A didactic for the financial valuation of companies and projects
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022)The actual professional needs to process large volumes of real information from companies and projects, to test and to validate various solution scenarios for the most successful decision making in difficult situations. ... -
Finding a voice through research
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2006)One question guided this experimental study: What impact does the change from teacher training to educational research have on university teachers' methodology and attitudes to teaching? To find answers to this question, ... -
Fire Scars Mapping Over Brazilian Amazon Forest by Exploiting Sentinel-2 Data and Deep Learning
(Cartagena de IndiasCiencias Básicas, 2024-07-12)Wildfires in the Brazilian Amazon have raised significant concerns owing to the environmental, social, and global impacts associated with these events. They have led to habitat loss for various species and release of ... -
Fired heaters optimization by estimating real-time combustion products using numerical methods
(Cartagena de IndiasIngenieríaCampus TecnológicoIngeniería Mecánica, 2024-12-09): Fired heaters upstream of distillation towers, despite their optimal thermal efficiency, often suffer from performance decline due to fluctuations in fuel composition and unpredictable operational parameters. These ... -
Fiscal impacts and cross-border effects of a change in state liquor policy
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020-07)This paper analyzes the economic effects of the 2012 change in liquor policy (Initiative 1183) in Washington State in the United States. This policy increased the availability of liquor but also increased taxes on liquor ...
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.