Browsing Investigaciones by Title
Now showing items 512-531 of 1487
E-commerce in China and Latin America. A Review and Future Research Agenda
(Cartagena de Indias, 2023)This study reviews scientific publications in China’s e-commerce and influence on Latin America’s market. The study took China, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay as variables. This study also offers ... -
Early characteristics and predictors of clinical severity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
(Universidad CES, 2019)Significant efforts have been made to detect Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during the first years of life, with positive effects on the prognosis of children. However, in countries such as Colombia early identification ... -
Early Detection of Neurodevelopmental Disorders as a Strategy for Educational Inclusion in Early Childhood Education
(Cartagena de Indias, 2024-06-23)The objective of this study is to disseminate the results of a pilot system of early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders in early childhood education centres in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. A total of 280 preschool ... -
Early prediction of severe maternal morbidity using machine learning techniques
(Springer Verlag, 2016)Severe Maternal Morbidity is a public health issue. It may occur during pregnancy, delivery, or puerperium due to conditions (hypertensive disorders, hemorrhages, infections and others) that put in risk the women’s or ... -
Economic and business development of traditional cuisine in sincelejo
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020)Traditional cuisine is part of the cultural heritage of a community. The research aims to characterize the state of food and traditional kitchens offered in popular areas of Sincelejo, for their enhancement. Sociodemographic, ... -
Economic dispatch in DC Microgrids considering different battery technologies: A Benchmark Study
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020-11-25)Large penetration of variable renewable sources and electronic loads put short-term stress on microgrids. Energy storage systems account for a reliable way to mitigate these issues. However, depending on the electro-chemistry, ... -
Economic Dispatch of BESS and renewable generators in DC microgrids using voltage-dependent load models
(MDPI AG, 2019)This paper addresses the optimal dispatch problem for battery energy storage systems (BESSs) in direct current (DC) mode for an operational period of 24 h. The problem is represented by a nonlinear programming (NLP) model ... -
Economic dispatch of energy storage systems in dc microgrids employing a semidefinite programming model
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)A mathematical optimization approach for the optimal operation focused on the economic dispatch for dc microgrid with high penetration of distributed generators and energy storage systems (ESS) via semidefinite programming ... -
Economic dispatch of renewable generators and BESS in DC microgrids using second-order cone optimization
(Campus TecnológicoIngeniería Eléctrica, 2020-04-03)A convex mathematical model based on second-order cone programming (SOCP) for the optimal operation in direct current microgrids (DCMGs) with high-level penetration of renewable energies and battery energy storage systems ... -
Economic lot scheduling with deliberated and controlled coproduction
(2012)This paper presents an algorithm to define the optimal parameters for deliberated and controlled coproduction in an economic lot scheduling problem setting (DCCELSP). Coproduction is said to be deliberated and controlled ... -
Economic shocks and their efect on the schooling and labor participation of youth: evidence from the metal mining price boom in Chilean counties
(Cartagena de Indias, 2021-06-11)We analyze the efect of an exogenous economic shock on youth, specifcally their incentive for preferring to participate in the labor market over continuing their education. We examine the Chilean case and the sustained ... -
Economic shocks and their effect on the schooling and labor participation of youth: evidence from the metal mining price boom in Chilean counties
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022)We analyze the effect of an exogenous economic shock on youth, specifically their incentive for preferring to participate in the labor market over continuing their education. We examine the Chilean case and the sustained ... -
Ecotoxicological assessment of perchlorate using in vitro and in vivo assays
(Springer Verlag, 2018)Perchlorate is an inorganic ion widespread in the environment, generated as a natural and anthropogenic pollutant, with known endocrine disruption properties in the thyroid gland. Nonetheless, there are few reports of its ... -
Ecoturismo y agroturismo como alternativa de desarrollo económico y cultural en Turbaco – Bolívar /
(2020)El objetivo principal del presente estudio es identificar y resaltar las bondades de las actividades ecoturísticas y agroturísticas como alternativas para la reactivación y el desarrollo económico del municipio de Turbaco. ... -
(2008) -
Editorial to the Special Issue on “Ocular Imaging for Eye Care”
(Cartagena de Indias, 2022-07-08)The need for fast, inexpensive, and robust medical technology is now more crucial than ever. Ocular imaging and visual performance assessment are integral parts of ophthalmic examination, and are necessary for many clinical ... -
Educación ambiental y cultural para el desarrollo sostenible : el caso de la comunidad pesquera del complejo lagunar El Pajaral- Ciénaga Grande De Santa Marta /
(2020)Determinar los aspectos formativos, que la educación ambiental y cultural puede aportaren favor del desarrollo sostenible en la comunidad del complejo Pajaral en su relación con la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, ante el ... -
Educación musical y generación de capacidades: el caso de la Institución Educativa de La Boquilla (Cartagena de Indias) /
(2020)Este artículo sintetiza los resultados del ejercicio de sistematización bajo el enfoque cultural para el desarrollo (EDC) de la experiencia del proyecto educativo musical de la Institución Educativa de La Boquilla. En ... -
Educating the Global-Minded Business Professional and Manager
(Cartagena de Indias, 2020)One of the main concerns in human resource management around the world is how education is encouraging the understanding of global issues, cultures, technological changes and social trends to make appropriate decisions in ... -
Education: emerging relationships in the search for the formation of the other
(Cartagena de Indias, 2023)Purpose: This article describes the findings of a phenomenological study whose purpose was to understand the essence of education from the analysis of the relationships emerging between the main educational actors (professors ...
Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar - 2017 Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Resolución No 961 del 26 de octubre de 1970 a través de la cual la Gobernación de Bolívar otorga la Personería Jurídica a la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.